Complete Repair Kit For Your 89mm (3.5") Vertical Blinds

Gives Your Blinds A Fresh New Look Without Breaking The Bank. So easy to do that you can do it yourself

Different Quantities To Choose From (If you require a different quantity please message us and we can advise)

10 Pack Contains - 10X White Bottom Weights, 20 Links of Stabilising Chain & 10 Top Hangers

24 Pack Contains - 24X White Bottom Weights, 48 Links Of Stabilising Chain £ 24 Top Hangers

32 Pack Contains - 32X White Bottom Weights, 64 Links Of Stabilising Chain & 32 Top Hangers

40 Pack Contains - 40X White Bottom Weights, 80 Links of Stabilising Chain & 40 Top Hangers

50 Pack Contains - 50X White Bottom Weights, 100 Links of Stabilising Chain & 50 Top Hangers

100 Pack Contains - 100 White Bottom Weights, 200 Links Of Stabilising Chain & 100 Top Hangers

150 Pack Contains - 150 White Bottom Weights, 300 Links Of Stabilising Chain & 150 Top Hangers

200 Pack Contains - 200 White Bottom Weights, 400 Links Of Stabilising Chain & 200 Top Hangers

Sample contains - 2 Links Of Stabilising Chain & 1 Top Hanger

Pack sizes 100-200 will be sent via courier service - estimate delivery time 2-3 days .

Items May Differ From Those In Pictures Slightly But They Will Still Do The Job

***Advice - as with all chains & cords please keep them out of reach of young children and pets***