We recommend that any buyers to pre-inspect this item before purchasing as this is an extraordinary listing.
There is no other Art that can come close to this. A good gifts to Royals, Kings and Princes.

This ART has been certified and awarded a Certificate by Singapore Book Record ( see attach photo)

For more info: + 65 884 99 236  Bill Chua

Ruyi (Chinese: 如意; pinyin: rúyì; Wade–Giles: ju-i; literally "as [one] wishes; as [you] wish") is a curved decorative object that is a ceremonial scepter in Chinese Buddhism or a talisman symbolizing power and good fortune in Chinese folklore.
A traditional ruyi has a long S-shaped handle and a head fashioned like a fist, cloud, or lingzhi mushroom. Ruyi are constructed from diverse materials. For example, the Palace Museum in Beijing has nearly 3000 Ruyi that are variously made from valuable materials like gold, silver, iron, bamboo, wood, ivory, coral, rhinoceros horn, lacquer, crystal, jade, and precious gems.

The Ruyi is one of the most powerful symbols of power, leadership and authority. Also known as the Scepter of Power, the Ruyi was a tool for high-ranking officials of Imperial China in ancient times. 

Whenever authority and leadership qualities required in a person’s profession or life, a Ruyi is an ideal item to own. For this reason, it is a must have for patriarch of the family, CEOs, Directors, Managers, Politicians who are climbing the career ladder. For Royals Kings and Princes.

Often seen placed prominently on the desk of successful people with high positions, a Ruyi will create a special kind of chic that boosts one’s career luck, promises respect and recognition, and ensures smoothness of pursuits and Commands/

The presentation of Ruyi was not a one-way affair: it was often bestowed by the emperor upon his ministers or subjects. There is still a valuable collection of them in the Mansion of Confucius in Qufu, Shangdong. They were given by various emperors to the descendants of the great sage

It is still difficult to pinpoint the time of the first emergence of the Ruyi, although no archaeological find of them date from before the Qing Dynasty. They are much valued but commonly seen objects of decoration in the old Qing palaces, but outside of Beijing one rarely comes across them in provincial museums.

The term Ruyi means "may your wish be granted" or "as you wish".

The Ru Yi, or the "sceptre of power", is one of the most influential fengs shui symbol of authority, guidance and command. In ancient China, the Ru Yi was used by almost everyone in the Imperial courts and offices, as well as government officials and Dynasty empresses. The Ruyi is a very useful tool to have when one is in search of greater authority or wishes to be promoted to a higher position in their career. It can be used not only in business, but also in general life. It is a necessity for people such as CEOs, directors, managers or politicians, all of whom are seeking to climb further up on the ladder of their career. Placing it on a desk in a prominent position is believed to cause the Feng Shui Ru Yi to create a unique chi, which will have the ability to increase career luck, generate respect and recognition, and create a smooth flow in all business ventures embarked upon.

Excellent gift for ambitious people and those in high positions - managers, directors, executives, politicians, chief officers,.

According to Fengshui....

According to oriental cultures, the RuYi helps its owner achieving his career and profession related goals by allowing him to gain more power and leadership. Ideally, it should be carried as a lucky charm in order to allow its owner to have the authority and leadership he needs at any place or meeting in which he might need it. Another great way to use this feng shui item is by placing it on the desk where it can help you while you work.

Whenever authority and leadership are very important in a person's profession, a Ru Yi might be an ideal item for him to have. If your career and position success depend on your leadership skills, you should have a Ru Yi on your desk and allow it help you improving such aspects and achieving your goals.

For more info: + 65 884 99 236  Bill Chua