ALL From The Mint Plant Family 
Mint is a fast-growing, aromatic herb plant in the Mentha genus. There are literally hundreds of mint plant varieties and far too many to name
25 x Fresh Mint Seeds per pack .Variegated green and white leaves . Grows to 12-24 " tall.   
Pleasing flavours , great for flavouring deserts, tea's, garnishes, Drinks, Cakes

Herbal teas are mainly prepared with mint. Due to its low menthol content, mint is also suitable for salad dressings, soups and desserts. It also fits for many dishes from the Arab-Persian area.
Mint is considered a messenger of friendship and love.
It has anticonvulsant, cooling, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It invigorates the heart and calms the brain. Furthermore it is expectorant, nerve-strengthening and germicidal.

Location: sun, partial shade, shade
Life form: hardy, perennial
Use: fresh salads, Cooking, tea, healing, fragrance
Usable parts: leaves, flowers
Growth height: 70 cm (27 in)

25 x fresh seeds. No Growing Instructions. 
Please Note The Seeds are Extremely small Like Grains of Sand, its Totally normal. 

Growing Different Mint Plant Varieties Most types of mint require the same, or similar, growing conditions. They like full sun to partial shade and most prefer moist but well-draining soil. Another aspect that most mint types have in common is their invasive tendency. Therefore, regardless of the types of mint grown, care should be taken in keeping these plants under control — preferably with the use of containers. In addition to their invasiveness, consideration must also be given to spacing when growing various mint plant varieties in the garden. Different mint types should be planted as far apart as possible — like opposite ends of the garden. Why? True mint varieties are known to cross pollinate with other types of mint when planted within close proximity. This can result in characteristics from different mint types to appear in one plant, leading to the loss of the plant’s integrity with unfavourable scents or flavours.