Down East Maine Magazines 1980  - Your Choice of January, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November Or December


Complete January 1980 issue of Down East The Magazine of Maine. 

Cover - Winter Racing in Canaan, watercolor by Paul Sample


MAINE - We’re Open All Year! A special 16-page guide to enjoying winter in Maine
Trekking on Rawhide, by Robert Deis - Modern snowshoers revive an age-old Maine tradition
Walter York of Caratunk, A master snowshoe maker tells all
If the Shoe Fits, What to look for in buying snowshoes
Harvesting Firewood, A New Winter Sport? By K.W. Carter - Today’s recreation was yesterday’s character-building toil
Between the Tides in Winter, by Dale Rex Coman - An “inspector general” reviews the intertidal zone
Have Pack, Will Travel, by Robert D. Eiseley - Snow camping - a new sport for the fit and hardy
A Doctor Who Couldn’t Say No, by Ruth Hunt Thompson - Harrison Hunt was prepared to answer any call

  • Room With a View - Caskie Stinnett 
  • Traveling Down East - Robert Deis 
  • Dining Down East
  • Ski Directory
  • Letters to the Editor
  • North By East
  • Homes Down East
  • Down East Enterprise
  • Down East Bookshelf
  • Outdoor Maine - Gene Letourneau
  • Newsletter - Guy G. Smith 
Many More Maine Articles and Photos. Wonderful Ads too

Complete March 1980 issue of Down East The Magazine of Maine. 

Cover - Dead Brook in Spring by William Baldwin 


Beauty on the Floor by Sabra Morton - Hooked reigns enhance the homes, and often the the purses
A Tugboat named ‘Snohomish’ by Bill Prosser - Icebreaker, emissary of good will, symbol of civic pride, this cutter’s Maine tour of duty spans three decades
Venzie on the Penobscot by Anita Kurth - A quiet Bangor superb today, Venzie harks back to the time when lumber money meant prosperity and fast living
Ice-In by Davis Thomas - Winter’s chilling temperatures and bitter winds trap the harbor in sudden stillness.  Photographic essay
Putting Down Roots in Maine by Mimi E. B. Steadman - Costs are up and money is tight, but it’s still possible to make the move to Maine

  • Room With a View - Caskie Stinnett 
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Calendar of Events
  • Traveling Down East - Robert Deis 
  • Dining Down East
  • North By East
  • Homes Down East
  • The Down East Enterprise
  • Outdoor Maine - Gene Letourneau 
  • Down East Bookshelf 
  • I Remember - Sylvia Kurson
Many More Maine Articles and Photos. Wonderful Ads too!

Complete April 1980 issue of Down East The Magazine of Maine. 

Cover - Solitude - Watercolor by J. Philip Richards


Vacationing In Maine - A special 31-page supplement to aid in planning vacations in the Pine Tree State for 1980
Stalking the Broad Arrow Pine, by Philip W. Conklin - Is there still a giant pine in Maine that was marked for the British more than 200 years ago?
Notable Maine Trees, by Des Fitzgerald and Chris Morse - Forest giants flourish here and there around the state
The Toast of Porter Landing, by John Gould - His name was Jim Steen and he ate fire
Gardiner’s Grand Lady, by Marie Donahue - Pulitzer Prize-winner Laura E. Richards raised half-a-dozen children. And wrote 80 books in a long and useful life
Wind, Wave, and Surf - In color: the tempestuous seas of April lash the coast
Making It In Maine - Small entrepreneurs and artisans: four for the record
Troubadour of Northern Spring, by Robert Deis - Spring peepers herald the season with a welcome song

  • Room With a View, by Caskie Stinnett 
  • Letters to the Editor
  • North by East
  • Calendar of Events
  • Dining Down East
  • Homes Down East
  • The Down East Enterprise
  • Outdoor Maine - Gene Letourneau
  • Down East Bookshelf
  • I Remember, by F. E. Turley
Many More Maine Articles and Photos. Wonderful Ads too!

Complete May 1980 issue of Down East The Magazine of Maine. 

Cover - Punt on a Pond, oil on canvas by Roger Gilson


The Trouts of Maine, by Peter Thompson  - Watercolor paintings of the state’s magnificent eight illustrate why fly fishing is a time-honored Art in Maine
For Sale: The Green, Green Taste of Spring, by Robert Deis - Most gardeners detest dandelions, but a small cannery in Wilton, they are cultivated by the acre
Gadfly? Eccentric? Visionary? by Bernard Huebner - Charles MacArthur, of Dover Foxcroft, sounds the alarm loud and clear about an impending energy crisis
Grammie, by Virginia Chase - A noted author recalls her childhood with a strong-willed Blue Hill grandmother
Unlocking the Secrets of the Gulf of Maine, by Bill Prosser  - Bigelow Lab, in Boothbay Harbor, seeks answers to marine mysteries vital to the state’s fisheries
Whitewater Rafting, photos by Burt Packard - An exhilarating new sport comes to Maine
Gardening on the Maine Coast, by Brian Vanden Brink - Nowherre in Maine is the glory of spring — and summer — so enchanting as in gardens close to the sea

  • Room With A View, by Caskie Stinnett
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Calendar of Events
  • Traveling Down East, by Robert Deis 
  • Dining Down East
  • North By East
  • Homes Down East
  • Down East Enterprise
  • Down East Bookshelf 
  • Outdoor Maine - Gene Letourneau
  • Down East Bookshelf
  • I Remember, by Luthera Dawson
Many More Maine Articles and Photos. Wonderful Ads too!

Complete June 1980 issue of Down East The Magazine of Maine. 

Cover - Blue Hill, watercolor by W. James McGlynn


Venturing up Somes Sound, by Elizabeth McKey Hulbert  - A trip along Mt. desert Island’s spectacular fjord 
The Day I Et the Last Dominique, by John Gould - Maine’s master humorist pens an elegy for a chicken whose goose has been cooked
Following the Tides, by Alice True Larkin - More than 1,000 Maine families reap a hardy livelihood from harvesting marine worms
Good Boundaries Make Good Neighbors, by Samantha Etnier - A border walk can renew the ties of friendship
Down to the Sea in a Slip of a Ship, by Mary Lee Coe Fowler - Walter Green, of Yarmouth, sets out this month to repeat the astounding success of his home-built trimarans
Canoeing Down the Allagash, Photographs by Henry Harding - Photographic essay in color: Teenagers learn the lore and lure of the state’s wilderness waterway
Mystery of the Shipmaster’s Wife, by Curt Norris - A silent house in Tenants Harbor yielded up a celebrated murder case that was fifty years in the solving
Making it in Maine - Entrepreneurs and artisans who are “making it”
Hello, My Lovely!, by John A. Gould - A private audience with the Queen’s Slipper

  • Room With A View, by Caskie Stinnett
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Calendar of Events
  • Dining Down East
  • Traveling Down East, by Tucker Mann
  • North By East
  • Homes Down East
  • Down East Enterprise
  • Down East Bookshelf 
  • Outdoor Maine - Gene Letourneau
  • I Remember, by C. V. Watson
Many More Maine Articles and Photos. Wonderful Ads too!

Complete July 1980 issue of Down East The Magazine of Maine. 

Cover - Maine Bouys, oil by Richard Pulliam


Dark Harbor, by Michael T. Kinnicutt - One of a America’s most exclusive resorts is going strong as it enters its second century
When Families Went to Sea, by Mary Bolte - Drama and diversions aboard Maine square-riggers
Making It In Maine - Five businesses that are “making it” in the Pine Tree State
My Island Auto, by Peter Scott - How a recalcitrant old car enlivened a Down East summer 
Summer Camps, by Robert Deis - The winds of change are sweeping Maine’s children’s camps
Reflections - Mirror images of Maine — photographic essay in color
Tale of Two Brothers, by Margaret Hammel - The Wolf boys’ Bay Chamber Concerts turn 20 in Rockport
On Top of Old Spec, by Eric Wight - Fire watching on the monarch of Maine’s western mountains
Much Ado About Donkeys - In Maine, even donkeys and mules have a fan club
All in the Family, interview by William Pohl - Harry Sanders keeps a Greenville tradition alive

  • Room With a View
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Calendar of Events
  • Traveling Down East, by Samuella Etnier
  • Dining Down East
  • Summer Vacation Guide
  • North by East
  • Homes Down East
  • Down East Enterprise
  • Outdoor Maine - by Gene Letourneau
  • Down East Bookshelf 
  • I Remember, by Alvin R. L. Dohme
Many More Maine Articles and Photos. Wonderful Ads too!

Complete August 1980 issue of Down East The Magazine of Maine. 

 Cover - Fox Island, Georgetown, Maine, oil by Marsden Hartley


The Rangeleys, by Kenneth O. Allen, Jr. - First the Indians, now tourists come to relax and fish
Marsden Hartley, Poet in Oils, by Margaret Hammel - Was he America’s greatest modern painter?
Lobst’rin’ My Way, by Dale Rex Coman - How you do it is more important than what you catch
When Presidents Came to Visit - Boating, bunting, banners . . .and a blunder or two
Brown Sails in the Sunset, by June Day - Maine’s newest windjammer, Angelique, breaks with tradition
Eliot Porter’s Maine - Special color portfolio by a master photographer 
Shoreline Treasures, by Robert Deis - Beachcomber’s guide to nature’s bounty along the coast
Making It In Maine - Three success stories from the Pine Tree State
Plowing an Old Furrow, by Mimi E. B. e YACC continues the tradition of the CCC

  • Room with a View, by Caskie Stinnett 
  • Calendar of Events
  • Traveling Down East, by Robert Deis 
  • Summer Vacation Guide
  • North by East
  • Homes Down East
  • Down East Enterprise
  • Outdoor Maine, by Gene Letourneau
  • Down East Bookshelf 
  • I Remember Doc Rockwell, by Ed Rice

    Many More Maine Articles and Photos. Wonderful Ads too!
Complete September 1980 issue of Down East The Magazine of Maine. 

Cover - Warren Village, acrylic by Deborah Beckwith


Birds are, by Gloria Hutchinson - Cordelia Starwood’s legacy provides a sanctuary for 100 species of migratory birds near Ellsworth 
A (Silver) Ghost Story, by Norwood Beveridge - Maine auto buffs resurrect a classic Rolls-Royce
Making It In Maine - Four success stories from the Pine Tree State
Shanghai-La in Casco Bay, by Caskie Stinnett  - Edna St. Vincent Millay’s greatest prize: Ragged Island
Weir Fishing Makes a Comeback, by Hugh Williams - Special color photographic essay by Stephen O. Muskie
The Manly Art of Self Defense, by K. W. Carter - The question is, who got trimmed at the strawberry dance?
When Silk Jostled Homespun, by Joyce Butler - The Kennebunks celebrate fifty years of summer fun
‘Semipermanent Paramus,’ by Bill Prosser - Maine’s Holley Yeaton was always ready for heroic. Action

  • Room With A View, by Caskie Stinnett 
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Calendar of Events
  • Traveling Down East, by Hugh Williams 
  • The Henry Ford of Stencil Making, by Brenda Joziatis
  • Dining Down East
  • North by East
  • Homes Down East
  • Down East Enterprise
  • Outdoor Maine, by Gene Letourneau 
  • Down East Bookshelf 
  • I Remember, by David S. Brown

    Many More Maine Articles and Photos. Wonderful Ads too!
Complete October 1980 issue of Down East The Magazine of Maine. 

Cover - Autumn Homestead, oil by Roger Gilson


Toughing It Out - A special section on coping with the energy crunch, Down East style
Tending’ Store at Cindy’s Harbor, by John Cole - Maine’s oldest family-run general store carries on
Grandpa’s Punkin Caper, by John Gould - Wherein an idea to recycle punkins falls on fertile soil
‘All We Need is an Ax,’ by Sabra Morton - An award-winning solar home lets the sun shine in
Making It In Maine - Two success stories from the Pine Tree State
Mr. Audubon in Maine, by Robert Deis - Two visits yielded some of the artist’s best work
Autumn’s Reign - Color essay:  When fall holds sway over the countryside
True Yankee Grit, Photographs by Marty Brown - A Down East sawmill fights off modern trends
A Maine Education, by Melville C. Freeman - Learning the three Rs in central Maine a century ago

  • Room With A View, by Caskie Stinnett 
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Calendar of Events 
  • North by East
  • Dining Down East
  • Traveling Down East, by Robert Deis 
  • Homes Down East
  • Down East Enterprise
  • Outdoor Maine, by Gene Letourneau
  • Down East Bookshelf 
  • I Remember: Saving the Family China, by Esther L. Smith

    Many More Maine Articles and Photos. Wonderful Ads too!
Complete November 1980 issue of Down East The Magazine of Maine. 

Cover - Weather Vane, Thomaston, acrylic by Larry Largay


Maine — A Guide To Winter - A special section on vacationing in Maine during the long season
Heroism Off Shore, by Parker Lane - Queen Victoria decorated Maine skipper Levi Marston for a daring rescue of all aboard the storm-battered Unicorn
King of Cornography, by Michael T. Kinnicutt - Outrageous puns, homespun humor, and self-promotion are the stock in trade of Farmer’s Almanac editor Ray Geiger
The Shameful Story of Malaga Island, by William D. Barry - From sketchy records, a disreputable chapter in Maine history surfaces
Fifty Years a Trapper, by William Pohl - Old-Timer Ed Lambert, of Greenville, talks about a lifetime spent in the North Woods
Autumn’s Morning Mists - Along the coast, and inland, the frosty air of coming winter raises luminous vapors where land meets water
Making It In Maine - Three success stories from the Pine Tree State
Lively Interest in Old Burying Grounds, by Marie Donahue - The Maine Old Cemetery Association spearheads a growing interest in the dead past

  • Room With A View, by Caskie Stinnett 
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Calendar of Events
  • Traveling Down East, by Michael T. Kinnicutt
  • North by East
  • Homes Down East
  • Down East Enterprise
  • Outdoor Maine, by Gene Letourneau
  • Down East Bookshelf
  • I Remember: The Moose Hunt in 1985, by Forrest C. Adams

    Many More Maine Articles and Photos. Wonderful Ads too!
Complete December 1980 issue of Down East The Magazine of Maine. 

Cover - Granite Schooners, oil by Earle G. Barlow


Maine at Yuletide, by John Cole - The blessings of the solstice crowd in at Christmas
Making It In Maine -Two more success stories from the Pine Tree State
Dr. Yes, by Jack Barnes - General Practitioner Lowell Barnes, of Hiram, is one country doctor who never says no
Miracle on Chestnut Street, by Michael T. Kinnicutt - A landmark Camden church has a gleaming new steeple, thanks to the tireless efforts of a teenaged Boy Scout
Trending Into Winter on a Maine Farm - William Pearse and his family prepare for winter’s long haul on their 200-year-old farmstead in Hope.  Color photographs by Kip Brundage
Louie and Harry’s Christmas Party, by John Gould - Father Blanchette’s broche saves a tradition

  • Room With A View
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Calendar of Events
  • Pileated Woodpecker for State Bird, by John Gould 
  • Dining Down East
  • North by East
  • Homes Down East
  • Down East Enterprise
  • Outdoor Maine, by Gene Letourneau
  • Down East Bookshelf
  • I Remember: Christmas at Great Pond, by Elizabeth Nash

    Many More Maine Articles and Photos. Wonderful Ads too!