Offering a new Fine Art quality print of this Eugene Atget photograph of Gypsies, Paris 1910 - 1920. It is a high quality Archival Pigment reprint, unframed, approximately 8x10" on 8 1/2x11" archival fine art paper, suitable for matting, framing and display. 

Atget work spans over the first quarter of the twentieth century. He was not well known in his lifetime but made a living taking photographs of the streets, parks, trees and architecture of Paris, block by block, at a time when the old city of Paris was fast disappearing. He sold his work to archives, museums, stage designers and artists to develop their painting skills. 

This Fine Art reprint comes from the Fine Art Los Angeles Early Masters Collection, a unique group of fine art prints from the earliest periods of photographic history. 
Your print will not have a watermark and will be shipped in a rigid photo mailer for it's protection.


See more Atget photos in the FALA eBay Store.

International buyers, each additional print in your order adds only $1 to postage.