This is pretty wild to me. Be sure and read the wikipedia background below. Basically this was a German anti-communism magazine specifically aimed at left leaning "intellectuals" or "the so-called non-communist left".

4x 1953 Issues of Der Monat Eine internationale Zeitschrift – Anti-Communist Mag

Issues Included:
  1. 6. bis 8. Tausend im Januar 1953 – Herbert Luthy: Berlinger Impressionen
  2. 12. bis 16. Tausend im Februar 1953 – Inhalt
  3. 43. bis 45. Tausend im Januar 1953 – Gunther Birkenfeld: Der NKWD-STAAT
  4. 18. bis 19. Tausend im April 1953 – Albert Camus Der Kunstler Und Die Freiheit
Condition Notes:
Please see pictures. All 4 issues are complete with no markings or writing of any kind, however they are very old and show it. Lots of wear, the paper is fragile, and it has air moisture staining or fading, I'm not sure which. They are very readable still, but in some cases the pages have started to tear down the fold along the stapled binding. 

Background of magazine from Wikipedia:
"Der Monat – Eine internationale Zeitschrift" or "The month – An international magazine" was a German magazine for politics and culture founded by Melvin Lasky in 1948. I 

The month was published in Berlin-Dahlem and was strictly anti-communist. The editor was Melvin Lasky, later together with Hellmut Jaesrich. The magazine was published by the 'Office of Military Government for Germany (US)' (US military government in Germany). From April 1960 Lasky took over a magazine in London and from now on Fritz René Allemann acted as editor. 

The month was intended to establish intellectual exchange, especially among liberal, socially critical and left-wing intellectuals - the so-called non-communist left - in the discussion framework of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, whereby anti-American or communist-minded intellectuals should be isolated or their public effectiveness reduced. In 1966 it was revealed that funds from the CIA also flowed into the magazine through US foundations. 

In 1968 'The Month' was sold to 'Die Zeit'. In 1971 the magazine was discontinued, but in 1978 it was re-established under the title 'The Month (New Series)'. The new editor-in-chief was the SPD politician and later Minister of State for Culture of the red-green federal government Michael Naumann. In 1987 the magazine was finally discontinued. 

The authors Theodor W. Adorno, Hannah Arendt, Raymond Aron, Saul Bellow, Heinrich Böll, François Bondy, Franz Borkenau, Willy Brandt, Ralf Dahrendorf, Milovan Djilas, TS Eliot, Max Frisch, Peter Härtling, Sidney wrote for the month Hook, Karl Jaspers, Hermann Kesten, Arthur Koestler, Hans Kohn, Irving Kristol, Walter Laqueur, Wolfgang Leonhard, Richard Löwenthal, Herbert Lüthy, Friedrich Luft, Thomas Mann, Peter de Mendelssohn, Armin Mohler, George Orwell, Wilhelm Röpke, Hans Sahl , Ernest J. Salter, Ignazio Silone, Hilde Spiel, Peter Szondi and Helmut Uhlig. "(Wikipedia)." The CIA has never spent its money better! "(Melvin Lasky).