this is my Judaic Kohamin  Bookmark 

i did this for my television show in 1999 

i found maybe 50 and im putting up 20 for now for sale 

I have incorporated the Jewish Kohanim  blessing in the Bookmark 

 the blessing with both hands that the Priestly class preforms at temple to bless the congregation 

 , thumb to thumb in the same position representing the Hebrew letter Shin ,, which has 3 upward strokes .. the letter shin here stands for el Shaddai ,, meaning the Almighty as well as Shalom ... the Kohanim stand in front of the congregation raise their arms in the gesture ,, the congregation lowers their eyes as not to look the blessing directly ....the gesture and the space between the hands  in Jewish Mysticism represents the portal to the heavens ,, 

there is a entire set of beliefs and mystical meaning in the gesture that i will not go into now ,, but it is a fascinating icon 

as a child my Grandfather at temple told me not to look directly at the Kohen when they were preforming the blessing ,, because the radiance of the heaven portal can render me blind ,, i did sneak a peak any way 

later when i was walking home I told my grandfather that i looked 

and i did not see a heavenly fire and  neither did i go blind 

My Grand father looked at me with a smile 

and said 

Do you really think God would be so cruel as to blind a curious little boy 

it is to this day ...this is one of my beautiful memories in my life 

because my grandfather gave the gift in believing in a benevolent and kind God

 Comes in a original burgundy Edgar Berebi box

24 Kt Florentine gold plated  with hand sign certificate 

I’ve retired and selling my left over archives

All pieces are new  ... if you want more that the 20 that i listed let me know 

Closed All my factories and after 40 years and 38 thousand designs