Red variety of Metrosideros excelsa. Other names are Ironwood and Pohutukawa, although often misspelled pohutakawa. This tree is native to New Zealand and have been collected here in New Zealand in a sustainable manner. Seeds are very small and short lived and must be planted as soon as received. Spread seeds on top of moist soil and keep out of direct sunlight until they have sprouted. In my experience in warm temperatures these will start to germinate after around 2 weeks. 

You have the option of sending via regular air mail or expedited shipping. If you need a tracking number, please choose the expedited shipping option even though it is more expensive, because if you opt for regular mail, I cannot provide tracking. 

If your address is in South America, Arabian Peninsula or Africa you MUST choose expedited shipping. Normal mail often does not seem to get to these destinations from New Zealand. 

Expedited shipping takes less than 1 week worldwide. Regular mail to the rest of the world (apart from the above geographical regions) often takes 4-6 weeks. Please do not complain if you haven't received your seeds after 2 weeks. If you live in Greece, or neighbouring countries please be aware that it is not unusual for regular mail from New Zealand to take 8 weeks to reach you.