We, RS ImmoPro, have over ten years of experience in the field of pellet heating, pellet storage and their execution. We offer you:

Pellet suction system high with mole, Pelltech pellet collector

Suction systems are particularly useful if the pellet store is not located directly next to the heating system. So a larger distance or a floor must be overcome. A screw conveyor, even if it is very flexible, quickly reaches its limits here. It cannot be used over long distances with relatively tight turns. With our Pelltech suction systems, distances of up to thirty meters can be covered effortlessly. Even curves or conveying heights of up to five meters take the pellets more easily when transported with air than would be the case with a transport spiral.


Our systems consist of the following units:        

1) Turbine with soundproofing integrated in the pellet loader

2) Pellet loader with sensor

3) tubing

4) Sun Pellet Mole®


The turbine generates a vacuum in the pellet loader via the suction hose. The pellet loader is hermetically sealed and a vacuum is created. Just like a vacuum cleaner does. Only here no dust is sucked in, but pellets. The resulting vacuum also acts in the conveying hose. Since the probe is connected to the delivery hose, it sucks the pellets from the pellet store into the pellet loader with the help of the negative pressure. In order to prevent a vacuum from being created in the storage container, the “exhaust air” from the turbine is fed back into the storage/pellet bunker via the return air hose. Thus, the pressure is balanced there.

The pellets that have been sucked in now travel through the conveying hose and finally fall into the pellet loader. There is a weight on the flap. This is balanced in such a way that the flap opens when there is a certain amount of pellets. If there are enough pellets to open the flap, the pellets in the loader push the flap open and the turbine switches off. The pellets fall into the stove's storage tank or an intermediate storage tank. If the accumulator is not completely full, close the charging flap again and the turbine switches on again. Suck in, collect, open flap Pellets fall into the store. If the store is almost full, the flap of the loader opens, the pellets fall into the store but block the flap. That's on purpose. Because now the switch on the charger flap has switched off the turbine. This goes on until the pellets release the flap and it closes again. Then the turbine starts up again and the charging process starts over automatically.

In this system, the solar pellet mole replaces the suction probe.

To prevent the turbine from starting at night, a timer can also be added for control.


The mole principle is the reverse of the classic removal principle, in which the pellets are removed from the lowest point. The Europe-wide patented SonnenPellet Maulwurf® turns this principle on its head, sucks the wood pellets from above and "feeds" the boiler. The solar pellet mole works its way from top to bottom in the store, migrates over the embankments that are created and empties the store. Built-in bevels are therefore superfluous. The solar pellet mole is the removal system for all common storage options. It is suitable for wood pellet heating with a suction system.

The pellets that have been sucked in now travel through the conveying hose and finally fall into the pellet loader. There is a weight on the flap. This is balanced in such a way that the flap opens when there is a certain amount of pellets. If there are enough pellets to open the flap, the pellets in the loader push the flap open and the turbine switches off. The pellets fall into the stove's storage tank or an intermediate storage tank. If the accumulator is not completely full, close the charging flap again and the turbine switches on again. Suck in, collect, open flap Pellets fall into the store. If the store is almost full, the flap of the loader opens, the pellets fall into the store but block the flap. That's on purpose. Because now the switch on the charger flap has switched off the