Natural Colon Cleanser | Body Cleanse Detox | Get Rid of Toxins Primvital Fiber (Made of All Natural Seeds)

You brush your teeth and take a shower every day. You learned about personal hygiene when your were a child but have you ever heard about internal hygiene?

Find out what can ruin your health in 2022:

150 000 people from all over the world cleanse their bodies of waste products and toxins using these natural seeds. Add them to a glass of water, drink and shed pounds of undigested food (the result is a healthy colon and a healthy body as shown in the picture above). How to achieve such results faster? A dietitian reveals that in this weird report

New York, December 2016 #
Our special report for people who want to get rid of toxins and residual build-ups in the colon immediately and 100% naturally.

All you need to do is add these little seeds to a glass of water and drink. The body cleansing process will start IMMEDIATELY!

The process of eliminating toxins and residual waste matter from your body starts the very first day of the cleanse.

It lets you detox your body from the inside out and also notice the change in your appearance. After the cleanse you'll look healthier and younger.

Your body will function more effectively and most importantly, you'll eliminate the root cause of almost all disease. What's more, the body cleansing process can be speeded up thanks to one weird advice we'll reveal further below.

But first discover a few disturbing and hidden facts. Continue reading...

Cleanse your body from the inside out and get rid of toxins together with all the chemicals that come from food and polluted air

We don't normally think about how many toxins we collect from the polluted air and processed foods.

Over 90% of people are not aware that a huge quantity of microscopic chemical substances, heavy metals and toxins affect their bodies every day. We can't see all those harmful substances but they do attack our bodies.

How to find out if they affect your body too (and without a microscope)?

The best way is to take the beetroot urine test. Is your urine red after drinking some beetroot juice? If yes, you may feel worried because it means you may have leaky gut syndrome.

If the beetroot red pigment can make its way to your body, then toxins and harmful substances can too. After getting into your bloodstream, they start having a very negative impact on your health, the way you feel and your comfort of living. With unhealthy lifestyles we have and fast food we eat the beetroot test result seems to carry a completely new meaning for us.

Some people don't get worried about the toxins at all. They believe they're perfectly healthy and that bad things won't happen to them. They think they still have a lot of time to take care of their health. Now think about what you eat and drink. Any heavy meals, irregular eating habits, fizzy drinks and quick snacks?

It all hits your colon eventually. What happens there? You don't want to know! Because of the temperature in the intestine (40°C), the undigested food decays and ferments.

That's when you start suffering from wind, bloating, diarrhea and tiredness . You may even start catching colds more frequently and put on weight . Your may have a bad breath and start getting stomachaches in the least expected moments. Suddenly all your enthusiasm is lost and you have frequent mood swings . These are all the first symptoms of your body being full of toxins .

If you don't do anything about it, you may develop a serious condition and it might be too late to treat it. The most common complications include:

  • constipation, bloating, wind
  • terrible mood
  • lack of energy, sleepiness
  • obese
  • skin conditions
  • headaches
  • protruding stomach, hemorrhoids, diarrhea

Yes, your colon may now look like a rubbish bin and mere diet or tablets won't help you to empty it. They only offer short-term relief and are actually a way of cheating yourself.

You may not know that but it can all be reversed in a natural way. By ?it' we mean all the years of neglecting your body and having an unhealthy lifestyle.

You brush your teeth, take a shower and want to look great every day. You learned about personal hygiene when your were a child but have you ever heard what internal hygiene is?

You can't see what's inside your colon so you aren't worried about that. No surprise at all! It's only when you start feeling unwell that you realize you need to make some changes.

Because of modern lifestyle your colon can now hold as much as 30 lbs. of old waste matter which has a very negative impact on your liver, kidneys and lungs. This is the true cause of nearly all disease.

See the shocking images!


What you can see in the photos above is very thought-provoking. Processed foods you eat every day affect your digestion. The undigested food stays in the colon, decays and forms toxic build-ups. These build-ups produce bacteria which are a source of toxins for your body organs. That's the cause of disease.

"Few people know that an adult can hold between 17 and 35 lbs. of old waste matter in his/her colon. It remains there for many years. When we turn 40, our colons are full of residual build-ups which take up so much space that they make it hard for the liver, kidneys and lungs to function effectively.

This is the major cause of almost all disease." - Micha? Tombak

We don't usually think of the digestive system (especially the colon) as the sewer system of the body. If you want to maintain good health, your colon needs to be cleansed on a regular basis.

The process of accumulating toxins and waste matter in the colon is a silent killer. The symptoms don't show immediately. And when they do eventually, your body has already been severely affected, which makes you spend a lot of money on expensive medicines.

After years of collecting harmful chemicals, your body starts resembling a rubbish dump.

"In fact, parasites have killed more people than all wars through history." - National Geographic

Reverse all the years of neglecting your body and give yourself a 100% natural boost. Start anew: without toxins and residual colonic waste! Have a clean and healthy colon again! It's very simple! All you need to do is:

How to Detox Your Body

"All the ?stuff' that gets into the body, must be removed eventually. In the meantime it can stay in there for years and decay, which may lead to disease and even death." - Daniel Reid

Healthy and clean colon protects your body against chronic conditions and disease 24h a day.

You've probably heard of different cleansing methods. Be careful! Most of them are packed with chemicals and have side effects.

You've probably heard of enemas. Although they're one of the best-known methods of cleansing the body, they can also be very unpleasant.

A diet is another way of detoxing and a much more pleasant too. It requires some commitment though and even the one developed by a dietitian may not deliver the results you want. Dieting usually brings about the yo-yo effect (just like intermittent fasting).

All of these methods are past their prime.

Fortunately, there's yet another, much better way to detox. It's also more effective and most important of all, it's the fastest one: you'll see its benefits after only a few days.

All you actually need to do is:

Drink a mix of water and the fresh Primvital Fibre seeds every day. It works like a brush and cleanses your colon of the accumulated waste matter and toxins (including the very old ones). This is the best way of cleansing your body. Why?

Primvital Fibre contains two key ingredients which will produce good results right after you first consume them.

You'll have more energy almost instantly, your metabolism will increase significantly and if you use it on a regular basis, your colon will become healthier than ever before.

Such good results can be achieved because the seeds were selected by dietitians who had been testing them for many months. They rejected all of the quantities that didn't work and chose the most effective blend which is only available on this website.

Using the measuring spoon, simply add the two-ingredient Primvital Fibre to a glass of water and drink. This will soon bring about revolutionary changes in your body:

  • you'll help your body get rid of toxins and residual waste build-ups
  • you'll restore your normal defecation frequency and start spending less time sitting on the toilet
  • you'll get rid of excess intestinal wind
  • you'll get rid of bad breath
  • you'll boost your well-being and you'll overcome tiredness
  • you'll get rid of bloating and heartburn
  • your skin will look brighter and healthier and the blemishes will disappear

And the best part is that the Primvital Fibre seeds are 100% natural. What does this really mean? Tablets and antibiotics have a very negative impact on your body and only provide temporary, delusional relief. In fact, they destroy your body from the inside out.

The original Primvital Fibre seeds don't have any side effects. They're 100% natural and free from additives.

You'll see that when you open the packet and take a look at the seeds. They're pure nature: fresh, clean and healthy. Just think how greatly they surpass tablets.

The ingredients of any supplement need to be adequately prepared before they can be used. The Primvital Fiber seeds are first cleaned in a modern machine, which makes them free of defects. Then they are portioned out by our dietetics experts. Finally, you get packets of fresh, effective and 100% safe seeds.

This process is important because there are ingredients of low effectiveness on the market. They are contaminated and full of defects and they also have a low swelling index. Be careful! Eating them, you're at risk of developing side effects. Cheap seeds that haven't undergone laboratory tests can even contain larva eggs.

What Can I Expect From The Primvital Fiber Cleanse?

Primvital  Fiber has a beneficial effect on your body as a whole. It improves your health bit by bit every day . It helps you get rid of waste matter, toxins and parasites. 

What is a swelling index and why does it matter at all?

The swelling index of high-quality Plantago psyllium in 2014 was 13? 15. It's typically about 10? 12 for other Plantago species.

The swelling index tells us how many times their size the Plantago psyllium seeds swell up in the stomach.

The higher the swelling index, the more effectively the seeds work cleansing the colon and making it function better.

The swelling index of high-quality Plantago ovata husks is 80 minimum.

Here are some of the health benefits of the Primvital  Fiber  cleanse:

1. Energy Boost

Stop drinking coffee and energy drinks

Have you been feeling tired, sleepy and weak for a long time now? This may be because toxins and bacteria have accumulated in your body.

Drink a mixture of the Primvital Fibre seeds and water in the morning and feel energised till the evening. Both ingredients of Primvital Fibre  have great energizing properties.

Legend has it that the Aztecs ate one spoon of these seeds daily to be able to walk 24 hours without a break.

If you have ever had any difficulty exercising, you won't experience it anymore.

Don't drink coffee and other energy drinks which may cause side effects. Get a real and powerful energy boost thanks to natural ingredients!

2. Excellent Metabolism

Spend less time sitting on the toilet

Primvital Fibre  detoxifies your colon of toxins, heavy metals and other toxic substances doing harm to your large intestine.

It removes everything that has a negative impact on your body, including the effects of eating large meals.

As a result your metabolism speeds up, your normal defecation frequency is restored and you can spend less time sitting on the toilet. Your digestion problems disappear.

Primvital Fibre  helps your body get rid of wind, bloating and indigestion. And here's the most important part: after a regular cleanse your colon will be clean and healthy.

The Primvital Fibre  seeds swell up many times their size and gently remove all the dangerous substances from your colon.

Primvital Fibre Review - Karin

"Everything changed when I started taking Primvital Fibre"

I was bloated and my belly was huge but everything changed when I started taking Primvital Fibre.

Karin, Penang

*The health benefits of Primvital Fibre presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.

Primvital Fibre Review - Vera

"It only took 7 days for me to see the beneficial effects"

It only took 7 days for me to see the beneficial effects and after a few weeks my colon was clean and healthy.

Vera, Sydney

*The health benefits of Primvital Fibre presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.

3. Ageing process slowed down

How to slow down the ageing process?

Ageing can be slowed down naturally if you get rid of free radicals.

Free radicals are the main cause of undesirable changes in your skin. They attack your body taking your youth away. They're omnipresent in the air and food and you can't escape them.

Primvital Fibre removes free radicals before harmful changes can take place. It gives you a protective shield and slows down the process of getting wrinkles. As a result you can maintain a youthful appearance. Your skin looks nicer and minor blemishes disappear. You look great all day long.

4. Healthy Cholesterol Levels

Primvital Fibre is a real friend of your heart. It increases the ?GOOD? cholesterol (HDL) and lowers the ?bad? one.

Thanks to its consistency, Primvital Fibre removes bile acids from the colon. The reduction in bile acids helps your body to lower bad cholesterol levels.

Healthy cholesterol levels reduce the risk of heart disease and sclerosis. And you can still eat what you like but please remember Moderation in all things?.

Primvital Fibre Review - Valerie

"Natural Primvital Fibre is great"

Cleansing my body with Primvital Fibre is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Valerie, Quezon City

*The health benefits of Primvital Fibre presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.

Primvital Fibre Review - Phillip

"My cholesterol levels are now normal"

I no longer suffer from constipation. My cholesterol levels are now normal. It really works!!!

Philip, Dubai

*The health benefits of Primvital Fibre presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.

5. Smaller Risk of Diseases

... that kill the largest number of people

The Primvital Fibre seeds have been selected in such a way as to protect you from dangerous disease. They:

  • reduce the risk of hypertension
  • reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease
  • reduce the risk of circulatory system disease

6. Healthy Digestive System

... comfort of empty stomach

With Primvital Fibre you can eliminate the true cause of almost all disease.

You'll get rid of ?rubbish' that has been accumulating in your body for years. You'll remove internal ?dirt' from your digestive system.

It really works that way because the Primvital Fibre seeds swell up many times their size and remove everything that remains in your colon after a meal.

This way you can prevent many annoying health conditions.

And if you take care of the inside of your body, you'll live longer.

What's more:

  • you'll have stronger immune system
  • you'll prevent mood swings
  • you'll feel great
  • your body will work more effectively

"How I've cleansed my body*"

?I've tried out many supplements including different fibre brands available in pharmacies. Unfortunately they didn't work for me. When I started taking Primvital Fibre... I felt the results as early as one week after. I decided to continue with it for the next three months.?

Krystyna, 52 years old

* The health benefits of Primvital Fibre presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.

Will Primvital Fibre really help me?

Here are the testimonials of our Customers:

My blood work has improved. It came as a nice surprise when my doctor said that my cholesterol and toxin levels in the blood had gone down significantly.
~Bo?ena Kogowska, Sierpc*

I feel great now. My colon finally works the way it should.
~Artur Zygmunt, a businessman*

After only one day of taking Primvital Fiber I got rid of constipation (...)
~ Irena Szargan, 62 years old *

* The health benefits of Primvital Fiber presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.

Primvital Fiber Review - Brian

"I've tried lots of body cleansing methods out"

I've tried lots of body cleansing methods out but it was only Primvital Fiber that produced results.

Brian, Ipswich

* The health benefits of Primvital Fiber presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.

Primvital Fiber Review - Yoshinori

"I spend less time sitting on the toilet"

When I use Primvital Fiber my bowel movements are regular and I spend less time sitting on the toilet.

Yoshinori, Tokyo

* The health benefits of Primvital Fiber presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.

Listen to what Sara has to say about Primvital Fiber:

Hi guys!

Today I'd like to tell you more about Primvital Fiber which I've been using for a while.

Of course the packet contained more of the product when I bought it but now there's only 1/3 left.

I've been using Primvital Fiber for about 3 weeks now.

I decided to give it a try because I had changed my lifestyle and thought I wasn't getting enough fiber in my daily diet.

You should drink Primvital Fiber with a glass of water twice a day before your meals.

You need to wait about 5 minutes to let the seeds swell up a bit and remember to use lukewarm water, i.e. neither hot nor cold.

Primvital Fibre has a very neutral taste and smell; it's also easy to swallow. What I like most about the product though is that it has helped me to improve my colon health. It feels like I've had a deep body cleanse and my stomach is much flatter now. It really makes it a lot easier in the bathroom so I don't have constipation any more.

I'm very happy I started taking it and I can't imagine not having it. Drinking the fibre has become part of my daily routine but occasionally I'll take it only once a day usually when it slips my mind. I will definitely recommend Primvital Fibre to others.

                          Please read the amazing interview Leszek gave us:

* The health benefits of Primvital Fibre presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.

The Authentic Interview

I've recommended Primvital Fibre to three doctors: a cardiologist, gastroenterologist and neurologist. The cardiologist was suprised to see that my triglyceride levels went down, because I hadn't been taking any medicines.

The gastroenterologist was disappointed that Primvital Fibre was not available in pharmacies because if it was, he would prescribe it to his patients. I take Primvital Fibre regularly and I feel great now!

Why the Internet and not a pharmacy or a herbal store?

I visited many doctors and spent a lot of money on medicines that didn't work. Then I came across some information on Primvital Fibre on the Internet and I decided to buy it.

I told my doctor about it and asked him if there were any contraindications.

Here's was my doctor said: 'Where did you buy this? Write down the address for me, please. You see, if I could prescribe fibre, then I would do it for most of my patients, but there aren't any good fibre brands available in pharmacies.'

Why did you buy Primvital Fibre?

I had some huge problems with my colon. My overall health was bad. I used to have a very full feeling in my stomach and feel uncomfortable with my body all the time. My belly felt hard and I suffered from constipation too. Lots of problems anyway.

After only 7 or 10 days of using Primvital Fibre I noticed a few desirable changes!

Would you recommend Primvital Fibre to other people?

I have already done that! I told my friends about it. At our age most people have colon problems.

Whenever a friend of mine says he's experiencing some kind of a health problem, I recommend Primvital Fibre to him. All of my friends who have tried it out say that it actually works.?

Primvital Fibre has already helped more than 150,000 people. On average 93% of reviews are very good. Such favourable opinions were expressed by the people who used our product for one month.

How to speed up the Primvital Fibre body cleanse?

According to our Customers you cansignificantly speed up the Primvital Fibre cleanse.

All you need to do is... drink at least 1.5 litres of water every day.

Drink plenty of water. The mixture of Primvital Fibre and water acts like the best ?vacuum cleaner'.

It's the easiest way to achieve the best cleanse results.*

* The health benefits of Primvital Fiber presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.

Start Your Body Cleanse

Removing toxins and residual colonic build-ups has never been easier. All you need is Primvital Fiber and a glass of water.

"I've cleansed my body. I feel much better now *"

I'd had colon problems for a very long time. I started using Primvital Fiber two years ago.

I took Primvital Fiber twice a day. After about 2 weeks I felt that my gut had started healing up.

After a month it got even better, the pain had gone and my bowel movements became more regular.

Eating my usual food I lost a few pounds in two months.

Eating my usual food I lost a few pounds in two months.

I am now completely sure. Primvital Fiber made my colon healthy again !!!

Andrzej Krzymowski

* The health benefits of Primvital Fiber presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.

This body cleansing process starts at $ 1.53 daily. It's a really low-cost cleanse, especially if you take into account all the health benefits of this natural method .

To start with, a one-month cleanse. is enough. It takes only 30 days to feel its many health benefits. However, the full Primvital Fiber body cleanse lasts 3 months.

Primvital Fiber has undergone specialist laboratory tests for ingredients and cleanliness at the University of Agriculture in Kraków. It works in a gentle way and doesn't cause side effects.

According to our Customers Primvital Fibre is more effective than traditional fibre. It's also better than other popular body cleansing methods, e.g. starvation diet which cause many side effects (such as weakness, general feeling of being unwell and the yo-yo effect).

Primvital Fibre has already been tested by 150,000 people. It will help you even if you have a very unhealthy lifestyle.

  • It's 100% safe and 100% natural
  • It works gently and has no side effects
  • The original ingredients and the best blend
  • It has undergone specialist tests for ingredients and cleanliness
  • It's officially allowed for sale by GIS (The Chief Sanitary Inspectorate)
  • The swelling index of Plantago psyllium 13-15!
  • The swelling index of Plantago ovata 80-110!
  • The bestseller on the market (the most popular method of body cleanse in Poland)

The original Primvital Fibre is a unique blend of two herbal ingredients grown in the best soil in the Kujawy region in Poland. The seeds are purified with carbon dioxide (while most companies use methyl bromide). What's more, we share our expert knowledge with our customers and offer them health tips and professional dietetics support.

Primvital Fibre Review - Natalia

"It's like I moved to a sunny island and lived in touch with nature"

I live in a big city and breathe in fumes and the stench from the polluted air every day.

It affects my health badly. After a 30-day Primvital Fibre body cleanse I now feel enormous relief. I feel healthier too.

It's like I moved to a sunny island and lived in touch with nature.

Natalia, Jokarta

*The health benefits of Primvital Fibre presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.

Primvital Fibre Review - Tiffany

"I've cleansed my colon and I now..."

I've cleansed my colon and I now have enough energy to work all day long.

Primvital Fibre is most natural and the healthiest method I have ever tried. Primvital Fibre from Mapa Zdrowia worked almost instantly.

Tiffany, Hongkong

*The health benefits of Primvital Fibre presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.

"People who eat plenty of fibre smile more frequently than people whose diet lacks fibre.? - Andrew Smith, Cardiff University, Wales

"Effective body detox can help us lose those extra pounds and fight obesity." - CEF Portal

Primvital Fibre has undergone laboratory tests.
Would you like to learn more?

Test Results

Primvital Fibre is the only natural dietary supplement on the market containing such a large amount of fibre.

Our unique blend of Plantago psyllium and Plantago ovata has as many as 68g of fibre per 100g of the product.

It's a record quantity among all natural supplements and natural food products (e.g. bran has only 48g of fibre per 100g of the product).

Open PDF or click on the image below:

Click to view other test results: Link 1 Link 2

Find out what a well-known dietitian says

Primvital Fibre is a rich source of dietary fibre which is one of the most important substances that can be found in food. Unfortunately, our diets often lack fibre. Primvital Fibre contains two natural herbal ingredients acknowledged as having beneficial effects on health.

The Plantago psyllium seeds and the Plantago ovata husks can do wonders for people who suffer from constipation, hemorrhoids and high cholesterol levels. They promote weight loss and reduce appetite. Lack of dietary fibre may increase the risk of disease, including gallstones, obesity, atherosclerosis and diverticulosis.

I recommend the original Primvital Fibre from this site.

Joanna Grzymis? Awska, Dietitian

Get rid of toxins and residual waste matter

Fast food, air-pollution, stress and tablets. Will they ensure you a long and healthy life? If you have any doubts, choose Nature . Fresh and natural Primvital Fiber will be delivered to you within 5-15 days.

When you open the packet, take the spoon out and measure ¾ of it. Add the seeds to a glass of water, stir, wait a minute and drink. Do it twice a day (in the morning and in the evening) .
Get into your new healthy habit.

Isn't it easy? It's like drinking your morning tea or coffee.

Get rid of toxins with Primvital Fiber and eliminate the cause of almost all disease . There's no place for harmful chemicals in your body.

Primvital Fiber will take care of your body and protect you against chemicals in food and the polluted air.

Would you like to order it right now? We've just got the fresh supply. Fill in the form. We'll dispatch your order tomorrow at the latest.

Yes! It's a great product and I want to buy it.

By placing my order today, I understand that:

  • I'll receive the original Primvital Fiber from Mapa Zdrowia (ten years' experience on the market).
  • 30-Days Returns
  • I know ordering on this website is 100% secure and my package will be delivered within 5-15 days.
  • What's the next step? Choose your payment method and delivery option.

PS Look at the photo. How will you feel when undigested food? Colonise 'your colon and take up too much space?

Just imagine how removing these harmful toxins can have a beneficial effect on your health and lifespan. You'll get a real energy boost!

You'll receive a measuring spoon with your Primvital Fiber packet!

Ordering on our website is safe. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. And for only $ 1.53 a day!

People from all over the world buy Primvital Fiber every day:

Primvital Fiber Review - Julia

"I definitely recommend Primvital Fiber"

Primvital Fiber brought about plenty of wonderful changes in my life. My constipation problem has disappeared, my skin looks much better and I don't have any blemishes.

I used to need a break after 3 hours of working at home and now I can work and stay full of energy even 10 hours a day . I definitely recommend Primvital Fiber.

Julia, Singapor

* The health benefits of Primvital Fiber presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.

Primvital Fiber Review - Rebecca

"After 1 day of using Primvital Fiber I spent only 3 minutes in a toilet"

At first, I didn't believe in all this stuff but I decided to try it anyway. I thought to myself:? What can happen? I only might lose some money.? It didn't happen though.

Primvital Fiber works. I've recommended this cleanse to all my friends.

After 1 day of using Primvital Fiber I spent only 3 minutes in a toilet! I used to sit there for 20 minutes!

Rebecca, Limassol

* The health benefits of Primvital Fiber presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.

Primvital Fiber Review - Angela

"Now I feel great !!!"

I've seen that waste matter with my own eyes. It's disgusting! Now I feel great !!!

Angela, London

* The health benefits of Primvital Fiber presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.

Primvital Fiber Review - Mark

"Primvital Fiber is the last hope for me"

I have an unhealthy lifestyle and Primvital Fiber is the last hope for me.

Mark, Malaga

* The health benefits of Primvital Fiber presented on this website are examples only. Results may vary among individuals.


How much of Primvital Fiber should I use daily and how should I take it? »

It takes only 30 days to feel its many health benefits. However, the full Primvital Fiber body cleanse lasts 3 months. When you open your packet, take the enclosed spoon out and measure 3/4 of it. Add the seeds to a glass of water, stir, wait a minute and drink. Do it twice a day (in the morning and in the evening).

How do I know I'll receive my order once I've made payment? »

Ordering and paying on this website is 100% secure. We have 11 years' experience on the market.

Every day we send parcels to many countries all over the world. Your parcel should reach you within a few working days.

What kind of seeds are these? »

Primvital Fiber is a special combinaIon of Plantago psyllium seeds and Plantago ovata husks. In thisunique blend of Plantago psyllium and Plantago ovata there are up to 68 g of fiber per 100 g ofproduct.

The swelling index of high? Quality Plantago psyllium in 2014 was 13? 15. It's typically about 10? 12 forother Plantago species.

The swelling index tells us how many Imes their size the Plantago psyllium seeds swell up in thestomach.

The higher the swelling index, the more effectively the seeds work cleansing the colon and making itfunction better.

The swelling index of high? Quality Plantago ovata husks is 80 minimum.

Where are you from? »

We're based in Poland, Europe. We ship Primvital Fiber worldwide.

Is there a local distributor of Primvital Fiber in my country? »

Unfortunately not. The original Primvital Fiber that has undergone laboratory tests is only available for purchase via website.

When will my parcel arrive? »

We send Primvital Fiber by standard international shipping after receiving your payment. The delivery will typically take from 5 to 15 working days (depending on where you live).

In some countries parcels may be delayed if held by customs. Unfortunately, we have no control over clearance procedures including the amount of time a parcel spends in customs.

Can I pay cash on delivery (COD)? »

We're sorry but paying in cash is not possible due to global shipment. Please pay for your order with the safe online payment method: PayPal, or your credit card.

Can you send my parcel with Fedex? »

Yes, we send parcels with Fedex to most countries.