100% Natural Colon Cleanser | Body Cleanse & Detox | Get Rid of Toxins |  Primvital Fibre (Made of All Natural Seeds)

(1 Quantity Sold = 1 Product Sold, Not the 4 Products)

If you are well-read, you must be aware of the miracles dietary fibre does. It can put an end to the worst nightmares of the 21st century and radically change your health.

Only on one condition that it is the fibre from the Garden of Eden - pure from Mother Nature, untouched by medical machines and chemistry. This is exactly what “Primvital Fibre” is like. And today let us invite you to use it.

1. What is Primvital Fibre?

Primvital Fibre is a “Mapa Zdrowia” product which is located in Poland. It is a simple remedy for difficult problems.

Primvital Fibre is made of original seeds and used for colon cleansing and body detoxification. Plantago Psyllium, and Plantago Ovata are the active ingredients of this body cleanser.

It does not contain any additives, preservatives, fillers, artificial flavors and dyes. You take them in their pure form straight from nature.

2. How Primvital Fibre helps you keep healthy?

You can't see what's inside, so you don't care. There is nothing strange about this. However, you must know that just as you take care of external hygiene and take a shower or brush your teeth, you should also take care of internal hygiene.

Over 150000 people from all over the world cleanse their bodies of waste products and toxins using Primvital Fibre. All you need to do is add these little seeds to a glass of water and drink. The body cleansing process will start immediately!

The process of eliminating toxins and residual waste matter from your body starts the very first day of the cleanse. It lets you detox your body from the inside out and also notice the change in your appearance. After the cleanse you'll look healthier and younger.

3. What are the benefits of Primvital Fibre?

(i) Healthy Cholesterol Level - Optimum level within 3 weeks

You need cholesterol to live. But you don't need a lot of it. Yet, your liver produces large amounts of it.

If the level is higher than 300 mg/dL, then the excess sticks to the walls of your arteries and causes high blood pressure, asthma, heart failure, stroke, heart attack, sudden death and impotency, not necessarily in this order.

It is hard for us to avoid using words like magical or miraculous when we see how Primvital Fibre improves our customer's health. It puts an end to the worries about cholesterol's painful effects, providing clean veins and arteries without opening you with a scalpel.

See what Marki says about the Primvital Fibre results

“I didn't believe when I saw my test results after Primvital Fibre”

“I bought the fibre to lower triglycerides and level my blood pressure. I began the therapy on 8 January 2013. Before that, I did my blood test to see if there was going to be any improvement.

After three weeks of taking Primvital Fibre, I did the test again. I couldn't believe that they could be as good after Primvital Fibre. And I didn't take any medicine.

I was also on a diet while taking the fibre and went to the swimming pool four times a week, which allowed me to lose six kilograms in one month, and what is even more important, my blood pressure was at a healthy level (130/90). Now, I take Primvital Fibre twice a day and I'm very happy about it”.

~Jan, 52, Marki

*Presented effects are an individual case and may be different in individual people.

Here is another astonishing interview with our customer and her test results. After this interview was written down, Krystyna sent us her results from September.

"When I looked at cholesterol results, at first I thought they had made a mistake and given me someone else's results"

Give a read to our conversation with Krystyna:

Q.1 - You have problems with hypothyroidism. Did you buy the fibre hoping that it would help with anything more?

Krystyna - I have bought the fibre mainly to lose some weight although my doctor told me it is difficult to lose weight with hypothyroidism.

In addition I was told that I have high blood pressure. So I came to the conclusion that if I use fibre, not only my cholesterol, but also my blood pressure would improve. I have read that the fibre cleanses the veins and levels pressure... I thought I would give it a try.

I ordered 6 packets.

Q.2 When did you start to see some results?

Krystyna - I began the treatment on 14 July, because my results from June terrified me. When I did the tests again after one month and saw the results. I was completely shocked! A month of treatment and such good results! And I hadn't even used the whole bag of fibre then! My results were so much better. I am really delighted. Thank you for this fibre.

Q.3 My first thought after seeing the results?

Krystyna - When I saw the results, at first I thought they had made a mistake and given me someone else's results.

Q.4 Did you use the fibre as recommended?

Krystyna - Yes, everyday I used: 3 teaspoons 3 times a day. When I took the fibre, the factor responsible for my hypothyroidism (TSH hormone) decreased! Of course I also took special medicine against this disease, but when I took the pills only, the effect wasn't that good, and when I started to use the fibre as well - look at the results.

Q.5 Is using the fibre difficult or easy for you?

Krystyna- At the beginning, I had to remember about it and change my routine, but now I am used to it.

Thank you for the interview and for the results!

Krystyna- I would like to add that I've sent my tests results to the Mapa Zdrowia to show that the information about the fibre from the website is reliable, because the fibre is really effective.

I thought I would give it a try and I don't regret it. The truth is, no matter how much you want to, it's impossible to believe that the fibre is so wonderful and helpful until you've seen it for yourself. I have checked it and I'm happy about it.

*Presented effects are an individual case and may be different in individual people.

Primvital Fibre helps to level the LDL to HDL ratio.

Then, the level of cholesterol is less important, because its good and healthy ratio is sustained.

What does it mean? If LDL brings a lot of cholesterol from the liver to the body ("makes the body dirty"), then HDL takes it from the body back to the liver ("cleans the body").

Thanks to that, Primvital Fibre does not let the cholesterol become rancid in your blood circulation, nor turn into a foamy grease that would later stick to your arteries walls and hardens into an atherosclerosis plaque.

It is really good news. And it's because that if an atherosclerosis plaque really starts to build up (due to imbalanced LDL to HDL ratio), then after a few years it becomes so thick, that it comes off the artery and flows with the bloodstream. When the plaque strikes a small artery, it is a heart attack. When the plaque strikes the brain, it is a stroke.

A diet that improves the LDL to HDL ratio and supplementation with Primvital Fibre — help to avoid both the heart attack and the stroke.

Can you already see the significant consequences of a good diet and supplementation with Primvital Fibre? After some time, it may turn out that your arteries are as clean as in a baby.

"If I could be a child again”. In a way you can. At least your blood system can. Because no one has so far made one supplement of the two purest and most active fibre sources on Earth - plantago psyllium grains and plantago ovata husk.

That is why Primvital Fibre is the hope for a new life without the fear of the harm that an improper LDL to HDL ratio may do to our bodies.

You don't have to be afraid any more to choose a packet and order today.

(ii) Constipation: No one will wonder any more, what takes you so long in the toilet

Because when you drink Primvital Fibre, some things get speed.

  • Regular sittings in the morning. Fibre stimulates peristalsis, the movement responsible for removing faeces. It results in automatic work of the intestines and regular defecation. You sit everyday or every other day. Usually in the morning, when intestine activity is the highest according to the biological clock.
  • Easy defecation. Fibre absorbs water and softens faeces, which means that its "journey" through the intestines does not cause any trouble.
  • You sit for seriously 30 seconds maximum. It may not be right after seven days, but after two to three weeks, full defecation will take you less than 30 seconds.

Not only your stomach is relieved, but also your heart. Those who sometimes don't sit for a week (or even TWO) know exactly what I'm talking about.

Hallelujah! — the most embarrassing problem of the 21st century has just been solved. Naturally and safely, with the help of remedy straight from nature. Without laxatives. Without side effects.

When you get rid of that tiring ailment  within a week life gets so easy, that you don't feel uneasy talking about your success openly that is why I am proud to share such evidence from my brave customers:

"4 times in the WC the next day"

“I think I have tried seven or so different fibres. I was so determined that I exceeded the recommended dosage even threefold.

Of course I remembered to drink a lot of water. After each preparation my stool was slightly bigger, but that was all.

It was only when I drank the first glass of Primvital Fibre that I felt a significant improvement. I started with a recommended dose. The next day, I visited the WC 4 times. Primvital Fibre is second to none”.

~Artur Zygmunt, Wrocław

*Presented effects are an individual case and may be different in individual people.

Opinions About Primvital Fibre Concerning Constipation

“Trust me that the effects began after one week of using”

“I’m 52 years old. For 16 years I suffered from constipation. I used different preparations, including fibre from the chemist’s - nothing helped Last year I was on holiday in China, where I had myself examined by a doctor. He confirmed that I had a problem with my digestive tract (discretely suggesting constipation). He recommended treatment with fibre.

I decided to try it. I paid 110 Euro for a three-month supply. Chinese medicine is well-known for the positive results it usually brings. I, unfortunately, didn’t experience that.

While searching for other supplements for my constipation, I came across Primvital Fibre. “Not fibre again!”, I thought, because I’d already tried fibre from the chemist’s.

But after reading the opinions of a few people about Primvital Fibre, I decided to give it a go.

The effects were noticeable after only a week, if you can believe it. This time I also bought a three-month supply. But this time, instead of disappointment, I found freedom from constipation. I still drink a glass every morning.

Many thanks to the Mapa Zdrowia company for this amazing gift from nature.”

~Krystyna, 52 years

*Presented effects are an individual case and may be different in individual people.

“I will drink it as long as it is available”

"I had suffered from intestine problems for a long time. Colonoscopy showed leaky intestines with remains of undigested food, which caused inflammation.

One day I came across Primvital Fibre from the Mapa Zdrowia. I read about it, but to be honest, I wasn't very convinced. But I was tempted enough to buy it, as my intestines were in pretty bad condition.

The parcel arrived quickly, I began the treatment. I felt significant improvement as quickly as after 2 weeks. Now, I no longer have problems with constipation.

Primvital Fibre has cured my intestines!! I will drink it as long as it is available. I will also mention that my cholesterol is better than before.

I am grateful to Mapa Zdrowia for this gift".

~Andrzej Krzymowski

*Presented effects are an individual case and may be different in individual people.

"I think it is a great product for cleaning our bodies inside"

I ordered Primvital Fibre because I found what you said really makes sense; our body needs to be cleansed to keep it clean.

I am troubled by constipation and have haemorrhoids, which make it very painful for me to defecate, so I decided to buy and try your products.

The defecation situation changed significantly. My excretion is smooth and feels brilliant! So I decided to take your advice and buy three packages at once.

I think it is a great product for cleaning our bodies inside. Since it has changed my situation significantly, I will recommend it to my friends and family.

~Zhou Jun

*Presented effects are an individual case and may be different in individual people.


"I recommend Primvital Fibre to everyone!"

By the third day of using Primvital Fibre I had already started having normal bowel movements. I’m finishing my third package right now, and I can feel the full effects of the cleansing treatment.

Because of my irritable bowel syndrome, I couldn’t always eat what I wanted. Now everything has changed. I’m introducing more and more new things into my diet, I wake up rested every day, and my migraines have disappeared completely.

I feel light, my gastrointestinal problems have gone away. I’ve also lost a lot of weight.

Recently, I bought two packages for my older sister, who also suffered from IBS and chronic constipation. She told me that her problems disappeared as soon as she started using Primvital Fibre.

It was sometimes the case that my sister couldn’t defecate for an entire week, but now she does every day without any problems.

I recommend Primvital Fibre to everyone! It has an amazing cleansing effect on the body. It is really the best.


*Presented effects are an individual case and may be different in individual people.

“It only took two weeks for me to clearly feel the effects of the cleansing treatment”

I’m over thirty and I used to suffer from chronic constipation, despite using all kinds of different medications. I felt that my digestive system wasn’t working like it was supposed to.

When I came across your website, it was the opinions of other Primvital Fibre users that were most persuasive for me. I decided to trust you and you can’t believe how satisfied I am!

It only took two weeks for me to clearly feel the effects of the cleansing treatment. My digestion and metabolism have improved considerably. My stomach got flatter, and the scale shows that I’ve lost two kilos. In general, I feel like I have more life in me.

I can unconditionally recommend Primvital Fibre. I even think that I couldn’t do without it these days. It’s fantastic!


*Presented effects are an individual case and may be different in individual people.


(iii) Excellent Metabolism

Primvital Fibre detoxifies your colon of toxins, heavy metals and other toxic substances doing harm to your large intestine. It removes everything that has a negative impact on your body, including the effects of eating large meals.

As a result your metabolism speeds up, your normal defecation frequency is restored and you can spend less time sitting on the toilet. Your digestion problems disappear.

Primvital Fibre helps your body get rid of wind, bloating and indigestion. And here's the most important part: after a regular cleanse your colon will be clean and healthy.

The Primvital Fibre seeds swell up many times their size and gently remove all the dangerous substances from your colon.

(iv) Ageing Process Slows Down

Primvital Fibre helps to master the biggest discovery of the last 100 years in rejuvenating the body - here is how -

The biggest secret of rejuvenation was discovered in 1954 and it has become the foundation of modern medicine. Yet, few women are able to master this discovery to look, feel, or even be younger than their biological age shows. Now — You can do it as well.


Every part of your body - your eyes, skin, mouth, organs, bones, hair - is made out of cells. And the truth is, you are as young or as old as your cells. If the cells of your skin are young, it glows with the beauty of youth. If the cells of your skin are old, you are wrinkled and pale.

That is why if you want to remain young, you must take control over how fast or how slow your cells grow older. In 1954 doctor Denham Herman discovered the secret, how to do it - he discovered something that activates the source of youth in the human body.

He discovered that compounds called free radicals are the real cause of ageing. Free radicals are molecules that attack the cells in your body thousands of times a day. They are the main reason you get older. You cannot run away from them. They are everywhere: in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink.

Leave an apple in the open air. What will happen? Clean white flesh becomes "older" within 30 minutes . . . it gets brown and rots. Those are free radicals in action attacking exposed cells of the apple - and they attack your cells in the same way, causing your "rusting" from the inside.

As a result, you are just like this apple, or, more precisely, like a big piece of meat in open air - continuously attacked by free radicals.

When they enter your body, they behave like prowling youth gangs, attacking your precious cells whenever possible. They cause imperfections and wrinkles on your skin. They lead to blocked arteries, weakened muscles, used joints, damaged DNA structure and brain cells. In addition, they are behind almost every ailment that troubles you.

Is there anything you can do to stop the damage done by free radicals?

Yes, and it is the beautiful part of doctor Herman's discovery. Just like the Nature allows these pests to rob you from your youth, it gives you - thank God - a strong antidote against them: Primvital Fibre.

Its antioxidant power neutralises free radicals before they reach your cells and weaken them. The more regularly you drink Primvital Fibre (once a day before breakfast is enough), the better it blocks the activity of free radicals . . and as a result you look younger and feel better.

Primvital Fibre makes a protective wall that repels the attacks of these pests and retards their effects, such as face wrinkles or other ailments related to ageing processes.

(v) Active Longevity

Tell us how much fibre you take and we will tell you how long - more or less - you will live for. It really is that simple.

Research on the inhabitants of the healthiest countries in the world show that people who live to old age have one thing in common: they take a lot of dietary fibre with their food.

And the other way around: those, who eat too little fibre suffer from leaky intestines, toxins poisoning, fatigue, obesity, sleepiness — the most troublesome ailments of the 21st century.

For example, there is Hunza Valley in a small kingdom up in the Himalayas, west of Pakistan. Its inhabitants live in health even for 120+ years. They are almost completely free from ailments and illnesses.

Women above 70 years old look like above 40 years old men aged 80 chop timber and work in the field grandmothers and grandfathers play with their great-great-grandchildren.

Their secret? Bingo: plenty of food rich in fibre.

Just like you do now, scientists have speculated about the relationship between fibre and fitness and longevity - that is why they have put it under the microscope, conducting further research that have confirmed everything:

  • The Institute of Hygiene published the results of research showing that people taking 26 -29 grams of fibre live longer than those, whose diet is low in this gift of Nature.
  • Research that included 388,000 people (219,123 women and 168,999 men) aged between 50 and 71 years, published on 14 June 2013 in the paper Archives of Internal Medicine confirmed: diet low in dietary fibre may significantly affect fitness and health until old age.
  • The results of scientific analysis of 10 different studies on the influence of fibre on health states: the risk of early death caused by cardiovascular disorders is 27% lower than in case of people taking 10 grams of fibre a day.
  • Women's Health University in Iowa, USA, has proven that women after menopause, who eat food rich in fibre, live 31% longer than those women who are deficient in this component.

How come fibre can be such a powerful longevity elixir? There is no secret: the intestines take the best of everything you eat . . removing the unnecessary things by defecation. Fibre revitalises the whole intestinal tract, perfecting these processes.

But on one condition: that it is the fibre from the Garden of Eden — pure, from Mother Nature, untouched by medical machines and chemistry.

(vi) Energy Booster

Have you been feeling tired, sleepy and weak for a long time now? This may be because toxins and bacteria have accumulated in your body.

Drink a mixture of the Primvital Fibre seeds and water in the morning and feel energised till the evening. Both ingredients of Primvital Fibre have great energizing properties.

Legend has it that the Aztecs ate one spoon of these seeds daily to be able to walk 24 hours without a break.

If you have ever had any difficulty exercising, you won't experience it anymore.

Don't drink coffee and other energy drinks which may cause side effects. Get a real and powerful energy boost thanks to natural ingredients!

(vii) Smaller Risk of Diseases

The Primvital Fibre seeds have been selected in such a way as to protect you from dangerous disease. They:

  • Reduce the risk of hypertension
  • Reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease
  • Reduce the risk of circulatory system disease

(viii) Healthy Digestive System

With Primvital Fibre you can eliminate the true cause of almost all disease.

You'll get rid of rubbish that has been accumulating in your body for years. You'll remove internal dirt from your digestive system.

It really works that way because the Primvital Fibre seeds swell up many times their size and remove everything that remains in your colon after a meal.

This way you can prevent many annoying health conditions.

And if you take care of the inside of your body, you'll live longer.

What's more:

  • you'll have stronger immune system
  • you'll prevent mood swings
  • you'll feel great
  • your body will work more effectively

4. How to take the doses of Primvital Fibre?

Youtube Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErGIrkD0ClU

First, take out a scoop, measure the right amount of fibre, pour it into a glass and then pour lukewarm water over it.

Next, wait a minute for the grains to swell. Drink it in the morning about 20 minutes before breakfast.

From that moment you start to experience a thorough "cleaning" — body cleansing that perfects your health in many dimensions. I will describe it further on. You'll be surprised what people say about the effects.

I will only add this: Primvital Fibre's great advantage is its flavourlessness. It enables you to free your imagination and prepare your own, tasty health elixirs.

For example: put some strawberries, an orange and some pineapple into a blender and pour a measure of Primvital Fibre. Blend the ingredients for one minute. Turn off the blender after one minute and add natural yoghurt and a pinch of cinnamon. Turn on the blender again, this time for thirty seconds. Then it is ready - delicious and healthy cocktail, rich in fibre.

5. How Primvital Fibre triumphs over fibre from a pharmacy?

(i) Pharmaceutical Fibre is manufactured by medical machines. It is a synthetic substance for your intestines - for that reason the body does not tolerate it very well. Result: no change.

Primvital Fibre from the Mapa Zdrowia comes from the soil — straight from Nature, where it grows under the sun as a part of a living plant. It is a natural whisk for the intestines, containing dietary fibres and mineral salts, increasing the ability to absorb.

(ii) Pharmaceutical Fibre does not produce mucous. It means that if you have erosions in your intestines, i.e. damaged walls, then apart from vitamins and minerals also allergens and heavy metals get to your blood. They circulate the whole body, poisoning your brain, kidneys, heart, liver, genitals and other organs. Result: mental and physical fatigue.

Primvital Fibre produces mucous that is visible one minute after pouring water over it. It turns into a light, flavourless gruel. It helps to seal up intestine walls, allowing only vitamins, minerals, trace elements and mineral salts feeding the body get to the bloodstream. As a result of this purification, you feel better and better, you are more energetic and vigorous.

(iii) Pharmaceutical Fibre contains chemical additives providing a form to a compacted pill. Due to that, instead of a fully healthy supplement, you swallow trash substances exposing yourself to side effects and burdening your already tired liver.

Primvital Fibre is a pure product of Nature, perfect in itself. It is free from additives, because it does not need them — no matter what conditions are provided, grains and husk remain fresh and pure for many years.

(iv) Pharmaceutical Fibre is produced by purification, grinding, micronisation and devil knows what more. It means that it is devoid of nutrients by means of hard industrial production. This, in consequence, means lusty appetite, because the body needs an additional portion of carbohydrates and proteins — without them, "bare" fibre is powerless.

Primvital Fibre from the Mapa Zdrowia is rich in minerals, vitamins, complex carbohydrates, protein and essential fatty acids — building material of more than 100 billion cells of your body. They are the helpers of dietary fibre that purify.

If this was a speech, now would be the time for applause for Primvital Fibre.

6. FAQs

Question: How much of Primvital Fibre should I use daily and how should I take it?

Answer: It takes only 30 days to feel its many health benefits. However, the full Primvital Fibre body cleanse lasts 3 months. When you open your packet, take the enclosed spoon out and measure 3/4 of it. Add the seeds to a glass of water, stir, wait a minute and drink. Do it twice a day (in the morning and in the evening).

Question: How do I know I'll receive my order once I've made payment?

Answer: Ordering and paying on this website is 100% secure. We have 11 years' experience on the market. Every day we send parcels to many countries all over the world. Your parcel should reach you within a few working days.

Question: What kind of seeds are these?

Answer: Primvital Fibre is a special combinatIon of Plantago psyllium seeds and Plantago ovata husks. In this unique blend of Plantago psyllium and Plantago ovata there are up to 68 g of fibre per 100 g of product.

Question: Where are you from?

Answer: We're based in Poland, Europe. We ship Primvital Fibre worldwide.

7. Testimonials

"I feel light and fresh."

“Primvital Fibre is for me a way to feel healthy and light.

It influences my well-being, the work of my intestines, and in consequence the comfort of life. And it is easy and fast to prepare.

I've given it to my mum, friend and I encourage everyone who dares to tell me about their problems to see for themselves what superb effects Primvital Fibre has. I have to add that since I started drinking it, my test results have been much better than in case of fibres from a pharmacy".

~Ewelina Klarenbach

*Presented effects are an individual case and may be different in individual people.

“For those who want to be happy and get rid of constipation”

"I had had very painful problems with constipation for 5 years.

I found out from my friends, especially from Krystyna Anczykowska from Działdowo about a preparation called Primvital Fibre — live plantago psyllium grains. My husband called the number to Mapa Zdrowia to order a packet in a conversation with Aneta, the assistant.

I have been drinking it for six months and I notice, with pleasure, how effective it is and how happy it has made me, that all my troubles with this embarrassing problem have disappeared.

Also the level of my blood sugar is better.

I write this for those who want to be happy and get rid of constipation problems. Order Primvital Fibre and it will definitely help you, I'm 100% sure".

~Alina Gołębiewska, Działdowo, (Letter from 12 January 2013)

*Presented effects are an individual case and may be different in individual people.


"Well-being and energy"

“Hello. Thanks to the treatment with Primvital Fibre I have got rid of constipation problems that I had had for many years.

It also helped me to lose some weight. I have lost 5 kilos since I began the treatment.

My results are better: my GP informed me that the level of bad cholesterol and toxic substances in my blood have dropped significantly.

He explained that this purification may be the cause of my well-being and energy. I have tried this fibre out, so I can recommend it with full conviction.

~Bożena Kogowska, Sierpc

*Presented effects are an individual case and may be different in individual people.

"Quite shocked"

"Since I started to drink Primvital Fibre, constipations have finished quite quickly, then flatulence, heartburn, unpleasant smell from my mouth and liver pains... I'm quite shocked with the effects this supplement has on my body”.

~Wojciech Michalczyk, 68 years

*Presented effects are an individual case and may be different in individual people.

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Buy Primvital Fibre now to cleanse your body from the inside out and get rid of toxins together with all the chemicals that come from food and polluted air.