HyperClock - Deluxe DIY Kit

Additional accessories included are plexiglass frame, power transformer and minimalist 3d printed stand.

Build the clock that was way ahead of its time in 1993!

The HyperClock is a unique clock that was designed back in the early 90’s by Leon Schmidt. I originally discovered this beautiful timepiece while going through some old editions of Radio Electronics and was immediately drawn to it. I knew right away that I wanted to recreate this clock based on the schematics in the magazine. As exciting as the project was I wanted to share it with the rest of the world in an easy to build kit.

And so the Hyper Clock Replica by DIYChris was born.

With the deluxe kit, you will get all of the required components to build the clock yourself as well as a plexiglass frame, an A/C power transformer and a minimalist 3D printed stand. All you need are a few tools and some basic electronic skills. Anyone with basic soldering skills should be able to put this clock together. With that said, if you’ve never soldered before then have a look at some of our other kits first before diving into this project. If you’re looking to improve your soldering skills or just utilize your existing skills to build a fun project that will last a lifetime then give HyperClock a try.

The features of the HyperClock include:

  1. Eight unique time display modes including fading digits, “before the hour” minutes indication, and conventional displays give HyperClock that “one of a kind look”.
  2. The ability to display seconds as the sweeping movement of an illuminated LED in a ring of 60 or…
  3. Graphically display the relative level of ocean tides that occur twice in every 24.51 hour period.
  4. A bell chime and wake up alarm.
  5. 50/60 Hz operation.
  6. Complete mode, time, and tide level setting capability.
  7. Battery backup.
  8. Month/Date display with date correction for the appropriate month.

All of the above features make HyperClock one of the most unique and eye catching clocks on the market.

For your convenience the instruction manual is included in the box and is also available here then look below the description labeled “Instruction Manual”. For additional support / questions feel free to join our Discord server.