Milk Kefir-Tibet Mushrooms-Yeast Probiotic-Non GMO - Organic
*Live Probiotic*

Multiple Uses Include: Beverages,Smoothies, Kefir Sourdough Bread Making 
"Using whole milk kefir in baked goods adds richness to the final product, without the addition of oil or shortening"
Colonic Enema-Vaginal Douche Therapy
"Used to repopulate microbiome"

Packed in food grade bags.

Although this batch of Kefir has been grown in Organic ***UNHOMOGENISED*** environment it's very accommodating to either:

  1. Cow-Sheep or Goat鈥檚 milk.
  2. Pasteurized or Non-Pasteurized.
  3. Unhomogenized or Homogenized
  4. Whole or Semi-skimmed "would not advise skimmed though".
  5. Even Coconut,Oat or Nut Milk
 NOTE: *Can make only a few batches in coconut water then kefir needs to be reactivated again in dairy milk to boost up enzymes then start again in Vegan alternative milk*

12 grams more than enough to start you off with 500ml of fresh milk.


1.   Empty entire grain contents into empty jar or container "preferably glass".

2.   Fill jar with fresh cool milk up to 500ml.

3.   Place lid loosely or use cheese cloth secured with an elastic band to allow oxygen and allow to breathe, leave in cool dark cupboard / store.

4.   leave at room temperature.

5.   After 12-24 hours you should start to see the process of fermentation and thickening (distinct separation between curd and whey).

6.   At this point you can simply strain off the grains, drink kefir directly or bottle the kefir place inside fridge for another 12 hours with lid left on for a more effervescent texture of loose for a flatter consistency.

7.   With the remaining grains repeat the same procedure as in step one.


There are over 100's of recipes online whereby you can actually add blended fruit to the second fermentation stage and "ONLY THE SECOND STAGE" without the grains.

Which will give you more exciting flavor combinations.  

Just remember! 

        Kefir Is a more powerful probiotic than yogurt so start slow.

        Yogurt has only 4 - 6 bacteria strains whilst kefir has over 61 bacteria strains + More than 23 different yeast species. 

         Kefir is a powerful probiotic so start slow especially if you suffer from thrush (Candida Albicans), the beneficial yeasts in this product will compete to destroy it.  

         Therefore, it is suggested like anything else especially if you are new to something start with (Half a glass to start with, then build up gradually) each day.       

         Also known to be used diluted 1:000 in either vaginal douche or enema for colonic flora probiotic replacement especially after a course of Antibiotics.

Probiotics may have an important role in the prevention and treatment of allergic rhinitis.

      Finally known to be safer for those who have low lactose intolerance as the friendly yeasts & bacteria digest the lactose sugars so you don't have to.

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