Here is yet another great 15 Chapter serial from Republic in 1943... "Manhunt in the African Jungle". This one stars Rod Cameron, Joan Marsh and Duncan Renaldo . This is under the re-release title. This was originally titled Secret Service in Darkest Africa.

SYNOPSIS: American secret service agent Rex Bennett (Rod Cameron) is assigned to defeat the plans of the Nazis to form an alliance in Africa with the Arabs. His aides are Janet Blake (Joan Marsh), a United Nations agent posing as a reporter, and Pierre LaSalle (Duncan Renaldo), a Free-French officer. Complications arise when a trusted Arab chieftain (Lionel Royce) turns out to be Baron vom Rommier, a German officer. 

This comes on 2 discs with chapter menus in a hard case with artwork and title printed on discs as well. Comes from an original studio 16 mm print. Good quality on this hard to find title. This serial is in the Public Domain. (released 7/5/54  entered public domain 1/1/71)

We offer no refunds but we will replace any defective discs.

We accept Paypal and other forms of payments.

Any questions please contact. Thanks for looking

Thanks for buying from a Veteran owned company.

As per eBay’s public domain policy:
This film is in the public domain because the copyright has either expired or is no longer valid for various reasons or the film was not copyrighted at all. All information pertaining to United States copyright regulations can be found at the United States Copyright office, a branch of the Library of Congress.