Alphabetic Keys: "A" "B" "D"G" "M" "Q"
Numeric Keys: ""
Special Characters: ""

Special Keys: "Space Bar
",/<" "./>" "]/}" " '/"PntSc" "Up Arrow" "Down Arrow" "Enter"

Laptop Keyboard Keys

Part No.  SN20P38706
Model#: YD84 YD2-US PK1316R2B00

Compatible for:

ThinkPad Carbon X1 Gen 6
Laptop Keyboard Keys Model: YD84 YD2-US V160520CS1 US

Price is per key
You will get Key + plastic hinge

Please leave a note to tell us which key you need for your keyboard

PLEASE NOTE: There are several different models of keyboards for Lenovo ThinkPad Carbon X1 Gen 6 laptop. Please compare your key fixture/hinge with provided pictures. MAKE SURE IT IS MATCHING YOUR HINGE, otherwise it will not fit. It is a customer responsibility to make sure you verified your key before you buy it. We will NOT be responsible if you buy one for a wrong keyboard.