Any Occasion: SunCat Houseboats - A Dream Home 3D Pop Up Greeting Card

Just imagine boarding your very own river houseboat and cruising up and down your favourite waterway with family, friends, groups or couples while calmly discovering a whole new world in the water. Houseboat holiday is a great way really disconnect from the hustle and bustle of life. 

At Origami Pop Cards, we all love boats of all kinds. We just can't stop designing boats and ships and we always dreamed about designing a houseboat card and here we are. The houseboat pop up card has just been created and we can't wait to share it with our customers. We think they are perfect for many occasions. Your recipients would love the intricacy and detail  of the houseboat pop up card. 


The front of the navy blue Houseboat card features an illustration of a stunning houseboat. Upon opening the card to reveal an amazing 3D houseboat sculpture surrounded by island, palm trees and sunset. What a beautiful view!

If you are looking for a housewarming gift for new homeowners or someone loves houseboats, this card is just perfect. The card is blank so you can absolute hand-write your own personal message. 

This card is such a unforgettable gift and you also can turn them into any special invitation cards. 

It is so much more than a normal greeting card. The cards create an emotional connection where words are just not enough. Your family, friends and your loved ones would love to receive this beautiful handmade paper cards and may want to display them in their house, their room, their bookshelf or on their cosy work desk. Just fill in your nice words and get ready to SEND!! Let your greeting cards be meaningful and special to the person who receives them.  

Thank you so much for your kind support. Much loved from Origami Pop Cards. <3  

This beautiful card is 15x20cm.  

One Origami pop up card with one white blank envelope.   

We  don’t take ourselves too seriously, until it comes to quality. We’re  ultra-selective about the high quality paper, materials and finishes of  every product. Put simply, we only sell the best.

Now more than ever it is important to connect with your loved ones, family and friends. We, #OrigamiPopCards would like to offer a 20% discount on all purchases during this difficult time. 

Simple enter the promotion code “20LOVE” at check out - SHOP ONLINE

Please stay safe and connected.

“You dream it, we can create it”

Please remember to like our Facebook page. Once again thank you for your kind support.

Handmade with love,
Dean (your creator) + Origami Team 


“Creating memorable moments through pop up cards”