Must have -Poster - ODA HISTORIA (30 x 24 inches)- 430 Most Influential People in the History

-from the religious giants like Zoroaster, Moses, Jesus Christ, Sidartha Gautama, Mohamed....  

-to most famous philosophers like Socrates, Aristotle, Kant...  

-Artists like Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci...

-Political Leaders like Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Charles de Gaul...

-Scientists and inventors like Nikola Tesla, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison...

-Composers like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven...

-Conquerors and generals like Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Attila the Hun,  Hannibal Barca, 

 Nebuchadnezzar, Hernan Cortes, Qin Shi Huang, Octavian Augustus, Douglas Mc Arthur...

-Explorers like Marco Polo, Ferdinand Magellan, Christopher Columbus, Zeng He, 

-Pharaohs like Ramses II, Tutankhamen, Seti I, Hatsepshut, Amenhotep IV, Cleopatra...

-Writers like Leo Tolstoy, Mark Twain, Emily Dickinson, Alexander Dumas, Ernest Hemingway... 

             and many other categories, and people  (see the poster)

All of them in one place - on the poster created to glorify the world history - ODA HISTORIA-

--Names under images are written in English.

--Around the images of these historical icons are timeless and famous inscriptions in Latin like

1--Memento mori  

means-   'Remember that thou art a man-you are mortal. During the Roman Triumphs, people tried to touch victorious generals and Caesars. Their bodyguards would push them of saying:”Memento Mori” – remember that you are (still)mortal (and he is not any more). That way that wanted to glorify their leaders and point out that they achieved the Immortality… Also, at a same time, these Emperors and generals would have a person sitting next to them. Once a while, during the celebration that is given to this heroic figure this person/servant will whisper on emperors/general’s ear: Memento Mori- Remember you are immortal too (remember you are not a god) J

2--fluctuat nec mergitur

This Latin proverb is of Unknown origin. It translates as:  "It is tossed by the waves but it does not sink." It refers to this poster very well and gives a message that people on the poster achieved immortality with deeds and accomplishments during their lives.

3--Historia est vitae magistra.

This famous Latin Proverb translates as: "History is the teacher of life.”

4--Nos Morituri te Salutant

This is another famous phrase used by the gladiators who are about to undergo their punishment . They hailed Cesar with the saying: “Nos Morituri te Salutant”. This translates – “We, who are about to die, salute you”…. This Latin inscription also fits well on the poster because it points at the immortality of the deeds that these 430 people left for the story of the humanity.

5- -Respice, Adspice, Prospice

 “Examine the past, examine the present, examine the future or Look to the past, the present, the future”…

6--Ad Honorem                

Translates: “For the honour

7-Ad Infinitum

It means: Going on forever. Used to designate a property which repeats in all cases in mathematical proof. Also used in philosophical contexts to mean "repeating in all cases." For example, the claim of the existence of a creator of the universe would require an explanation of the creator's creation, and so on ad infinitum.

8--Credite Posteri

This phrase was used by Horace and it translates: “Believe it, future generations”.

9-Nuli Secundus/Nuli Secunda

It stands well on the poster next to these giants of the history and the present. It translates:”Second to none (male)/ (female)

10-Tempus Fugit

This Latin phrase simply translates as: “Time Flies

         - See at the image - 

 -By purchasing this poster you can have a history revealing its most important creators. Your guests, students and yourself would not stop looking at a poster. It's addicting to look, find, and recognize people that are on it. It makes you think about them... who they are, what they did for the humanity, and how they correlate with others on the poster. I find myself doing the same, over and over again :).