Indian Darjeeling Singbulli Estate "SFTGFOP1.China" - Black Tea - 500g

Darjeeling Singbulli Estate Tea is a highly regarded Indian tea that comes from the Singbulli Tea Estate in the Darjeeling region of West Bengal, India.

The oxidation process of Singbulli Estate Tea is short compared to other types of tea, resulting in a lighter, more delicate cup.

The tea is categorized as a black tea but exhibits characteristics that are closer to those of a Darjeeling oolong tea.

The liquor of Singbulli Estate Tea is typically bright and amber in color, with a smooth and mellow taste.

Indian Darjeeling Singbulli Estate has a delightful aroma with fruity and distinct muscatel notes with an intensive taste and astringent quality. It pairs nicely with a rich dessert and lends itself to the addition of a dash of milk.

As one of the premier Darjeeling teas, Singbulli Estate Tea is a connoisseur's choice due to its limited production and exquisite characteristics

We sell this product as loose leaf and in sealed pouches to maintain flavour and freshness.

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