Kinetic Bands Lower Body Resistance bands

Leg Resistance Bands for Athletic Performance, Exercise and Fitness Training

Kinetic Bands®, leg resistance bands, fit just above the knees to provide a comfortable, heart healthy, strength building workout for your legs, hips, hip flexors, glutes, hamstrings and core muscles during physical activity such as exercising and sport-specific training (e.g., walking, running, jumping, sprinting, and kicking). Strengthening these areas can help improve balance, flexibility, agility, and endurance which in turn can help promote increased running speed, jump height, higher & more powerful kicks, quicker reaction time, improved athletic performance, and can also help reduce the risk of sports related injuries. The unique design allows you to move unrestricted and in a natural manner, with full range of motion, so you can get stronger while working to improve your sport-specific skills.

Kinetic Bands aren’t just for athletes! Our unique exercise bands complement any workout routine, fitness or weight loss program and are a great resistance training tool for healthy minded people who want to live a healthy lifestyle by getting in shape, staying fit, losing weight, or burning fat.

How do Kinetic Bands® Stand out from the Competition?

Several factors give Kinetic Bands an edge in the Leg Resistance Bands arena and contribute to the trust we've built over the years with athletes worldwide.

1) We have been marketing and constantly improving Kinetic Bands since 2006, longer than any competitor out there. We are an A+ member of the Better Business Bureau and have helped individuals worldwide reach their goals.

2) Our resistance band sets are specifically designed to provide maximum results for users. Each set contains 2 bands (1 long and 1 slightly shorter) which are designed to simultaneously provide full range of motion (front, longer band) while firing the hamstrings and glutes at a more equal level with the quadriceps (back, shorter band). Most competitor bands are identical in length so the back band tends to dangle, making it less functional. Each band also contains our unique swivel clips, designed for comfort and multi-directional movement.

3) We guarantee results!