Set of brand new,High quality Tefillin (Phylacteries)


Tefillin set:

Perfect for Bar - Mitzvah or as a replacement for your old set fot tefillin, this are a lifetime Tefillin,

One for the head and one for the arm,They are hand-made

by Sofer Stam (scribe), the parchment inside them is 100%

Kosher Certified, Computer scanned and certified,the scrolls are writen beautifully (Mehudar) on "Klaf" (Parchment) from first quality (Lo Mashuach!),

This Tefillin are "DAKKOT",Behema 

Boxes are thick strong and big, made from Natural skin,

The tefillin will be Custom Made for you,

 Sefaradi, Nusah Sefarad right or left Handed.

the "Retzuot" (Straps) are High quality and black Both Side,

This set of Tefillin are made in Israel, and Certified as

Kosher by the chief Rabinate, they are also Computer

checked, you'll receive the Kosher certificate for this Tefillin.

Gift: Desinged Tefillin bag,