Veno Max cream contains escin, dihydroquercetin, aloe vera gel and chamomile flower extract, with the addition of menthol.

It is used to alleviate the problems that occur as a consequence of venous circulation disorders in the legs: swelling, pain, cramps, feeling of heavy and tired legs, paraesthesia.

Way of use:

2-3 times a day, apply the cream in a thin layer on the desired place and gently massage (from the fingertips upwards).

It can be used under bandages, socks and compression stockings for veins.


Escin, the active principle of wild chestnut, calms inflammatory processes, protects and strengthens the wall of blood vessels, increases their resistance and reduces the permeability to fluids, and thus alleviates swelling.

Dihydroquercetin is a bioflavonoid which, thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, protects the structure and function of blood vessel walls.

Aloe vera gel contributes to hydration and epithelialization of the skin, and enables better absorption of the active principles of the product. Chamomile extract soothes inflammatory processes and irritations at the site of application.

Menthol provides a pleasant feeling of cooling, accompanied by improved microcirculation and relief of discomfort at the site of application.

Packaging: 100ml

Veno Max krem sadrži escin, dihidrokvercetin, aloja vera gel i ekstrakt cveta kamilice, uz dodatak mentola. 
Koristi se  za ublažavanje tegoba koje se javljaju kao posledica poremećaja venske cirkulacije u nogama: otok, bol, grčevi, osećaj teških i umornih nogu, parastezije. 
Način upotrebe:
2-3 puta dnevno naneti krem u tankom sloju na željeno mesto i blago umasirati (od vrhova prstiju na gore). 
Može se upotrebljavati ispod zavoja, čarapa i kompresivnih čarapa za vene.
Escin, aktivni princip divljeg kestena, smiruje upalne procese, štiti i jača zid krvnih sudova, povećava njihovu otpornost i smanjuje permeabilnost za tečnosti, i na taj način ublažava otok.
Dihidrokvercetin je bioflavonoid koji zahvaljujući svom antioksidativnom i antiinflamatornom delovanju, štiti strukturu i funkciju zida krvnih sudova.
Aloe vera gel doprinosi hidrataciji i epitelizaciji kože, i omogućava bolju apsorpciju aktivnih principa proizvoda. Ekstrakt kamilice smiruje upalne procese i iritacije na mestu primene.
Mentol pruža prijatan osećaj hlađenja, praćen poboljšanjem mikrocirkulacije i olakšanjem tegoba na mestu primene. 

Note:Language (and design details) on original packages you receive can be different than you see on advertising pictures, depending of manufacturer's target marketplaces but UPC/EAN is always the same.



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