Product Description: You will be buying a Photograph produced using professional photographic lab equipment and printed on high quality photographic paper. Please note that sometimes a small amount of image cropping is neccessary to produce your photograph. Some photographs may have areas of white space along the edges / border. Produced on a Print & Supply basis from an image previously made available on Geograph by the Copyright holder

Condition: New

Size: 6" x 4" - 150mm x 100mm

Copyright (Photograph and text in Photograph Notes): � Copyright P L Chadwick and licensed for reuse under details available here:

Photograph Notes: Formerly a late 18th century coaching and post inn. It was for a long time, along with the former Tontine (Stourport Inn), one of the two leading inns in the town. At one time election results were announced from the balcony, at the front, to the crowd below. Those days have long gone and the hotel had closed by the Autumn of 2007. Since when it has stayed shut, although part seems to be let out as accommodation, and the car park at the rear is available for parking by the public, at a fee. Update July 2017:- It re-opened as a pub and live music venue under the name of Worley's The Swan in December 2015. [[5474335]].

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