The most comfortable and delicious use of iron, folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin C.


Iron Direct is recommended for people who have an increased need for iron, folic acid and vitamins B12 and C, women in the reproductive period, pregnant women, nursing mothers, people who exercise more, young people during intensive growth and development, due to insufficient intake of these components in food or due to reduced intake during reduction diets.

Iron is an important trace element that is necessary in the human body to perform a large number of vital functions. Iron contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells and serves as an oxygen carrier for the whole organism. By stimulating the synthesis of hemoglobin, iron contributes to the normal transport of oxygen in the body, and thus to normal energy metabolism and the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion. This element also plays a role in cell division and contributes to the normal function of the immune system.

The chemical form of iron in the preparation provides high solubility of this trace element, which enables a high percentage of resorption and good efficiency, while causing fewer side effects.

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that the human body cannot synthesize, so its supplementation is recommended. Folic acid contributes to the growth of maternal tissue during pregnancy. Folic acid supplementation in pregnancy increases folate status in the mother. Low folate status is a risk factor for neural tube defects in the fetus. Folic acid supplementation before and during pregnancy reduces the risk of disorders that occur when the neural tube of the fetus is closed. Folic acid contributes to both normal blood formation and normal amino acid synthesis. This vitamin also plays a role in cell division.

Vitamin B12 plays a very important role in the human body. This vitamin contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells, contributes to normal energy metabolism and reduces fatigue and exhaustion. In addition, it contributes to the normal function of the immune system, and has a role in the process of cell division.

Vitamin C has numerous roles in biological processes and positive effects on the human body. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, this vitamin contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin C contributes to increased iron absorption, as well as normal energy metabolism and reduced fatigue and exhaustion. It also plays a role in the normal function of the immune system.

Combined action of the component preparation

Iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 contribute to the normal formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin, while vitamin C increases the absorption of iron. The combined action of all the components of the preparation ensures the normal transport of oxygen in the body, maintains a normal energy metabolism and reduces fatigue and exhaustion.

The preparation has a pleasant and refreshing taste of black currant.

Method of application:

Adults and children over 6 years of age: Once a day, after a meal, melt the contents of the bag in your mouth and swallow. Microgranules dissolve quickly in the mouth, without the additional need for liquid.


Contents of 1 sachet:

Iron ..................................... 14 mg

Vitamin C .................................. 80 mg

Vitamin B12 ............................ 2.5 µg

Folic acid ........................... 200 µg

Packing: 20 bags

Najkomfornija i ukusna primena gvožđa, folne kiseline, vitamina B12 i vitamina C.


Gvožđe Direkt se preporučuje osobama kod kojih postoji povećana potreba za gvožđem, folnom kiselinom i vitaminima B12 i C, ženama u reproduktivnom periodu, trudnicama, dojiljama, osobama koje upražnjavaju povećanu fizičku aktivnost, mladima tokom intenzivnog rasta i razvoja, usled nedovoljnog unošenja ovih komponenata hranom ili usled smanjenog unosa tokom redukcionih dijeta.

Gvožđe je važan oligoelement koji je neophodan u čovekovom organizmu za obavljanje velikog broja vitalnih funkcija. Gvožđe doprinosi normalnom formiranju crvenih krvnih zrnaca i hemoglobina. Hemoglobin je protein koji se nalazi u crvenim krvnim zrncima i služi kao nosač kiseonika za ceo organizam. Stimulacijom sinteze hemoglobina, gvožđe doprinosi normalnom transportu kiseonika u telu, a time i normalnom energetskom metabolizmu i smanjenju umora i iscrpljenosti. Ovaj element ima ulogu i u ćelijskoj deobi i doprinosi normalnoj funkciji imunskog sistema.

Hemijski oblik gvožđa u preparatu pruža veliku rastvorljivost ovog oligoelementa, što omogućava visok procenat resorpcije i dobru efikasnost, a izazivanje manjeg broja neželjenih efekata.

Folna kiselina je vitamin rastvorljiv u vodi koji ljudski organizam ne može da sintetiše, pa se preporučuje njegova suplementacija. Folna kiselina doprinosi rastu tkiva majke tokom trudnoće. Suplementacija folnom kiselinom u trudnoći povećava status folata kod majke. Nizak status folata je faktor rizika za nastanak defekata neuralne cevi kod fetusa. Suplementacijom folne kiseline pre i tokom trudnoće smanjuje se rizik za poremećaje koji nastaju pri zatvaranju neuralne cevi ploda. Folna kiselina doprinosi i normalnom formiranju krvi i normalnoj sintezi aminokislina. Ovaj vitamin ima ulogu i u ćelijskoj deobi.

Vitamin B12 ima veoma značajnu ulogu u čovekovom organizmu. Ovaj vitamin doprinosi normalnom formiranju crvenih krvnih zrnaca, doprinosi normalnom energetskom metabolizmu i smanjenju zamora i iscrpljenosti. Pored toga, doprinosi i normalnoj funkciji imunskog sistema, a ima ulogu i u procesu ćelijske deobe.

Vitamin C ima brojne uloge u biološkim precesima i pozitivna dejstva na čovekov organizam. Zahvaljujući svojim antioksidansnim svojstvima, ovaj vitamin doprinosi zaštiti ćelija od oksidativnog stresa. Vitamin C doprinosi povećanju apsorpcije gvožđa, kao i normalnom energetskom metabolizmu i smanjenju zamora i iscrpljenosti. Ima ulogu i u normalnoj funkciji imunskog sistema.

Udruženo dejstvo komponenata preparata

Gvožđe, folna kiselina i vitamin B12 doprinose normalnom formiranju crvenih krvnih zrnaca i hemoglobina, dok vitamin C povećava apsorpciju gvožđa. Udruženim delovanjem svih komponenata preparata obezbeđuje se normalan transport kiseonika u telu, održava se normalan energetski metabolizam i smanjuje se umor i iscrpljenost.

Preparat ima prijatan i osvežavajuć ukus crne ribizle.

Način primene:

Odrasli i deca iznad 6 godina: Jednom dnevno, nakon obroka, sadržaj kesice rastopiti u ustima i progutati. Mikrogranule se brzo rastapaju u ustima, bez dodatne potrebe za tečnošću.


Sadržaj 1 kesice:

Gvožđe ..................................... 14 mg

Vitamin C .................................. 80 mg

Vitamina B12 ............................ 2,5 µg

Folna kiselina ........................... 200 µg 

Note: Language (and design details) on original packages you receive can be different than you see on advertising pictures, depending of manufacturer's target marketplaces but UPC/EAN is always the same.



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