see pics for contents and condition. vintage and original and scarce.

Carol Wilson, winner of an international beauty contest, convinces the other contestants to join her for a summer of nudist camping. Unaware of their plans, Lord Greystone gives them permission to camp on his English estate while he is away, on the condition that they raise money for a deserving charity. The local villagers strongly disapprove of the manor activities; Mrs. Haines, the dour shopkeeper, refuses even to sell the women provisions, and they realize that their neighbors will never support a fund-raising event. They decide, however, to organize a carnival and fireworks display and invite other nudists. The operation is an enormous success, but the villagers intervene and stage an anti-nudism demonstration. Summoned by sympathetic local police officer Sergeant Roberts, Lord Greystone arrives unexpectedly to help restore peace to the village. The women present the proceeds of the carnival to the unfriendly shopkeeper so that her crippled daughter can be sent to America for an operation, and Lord Greystone reveals that he has been an ardent nudist all his life.