Ormus Modern Day Alchemy: Primer of Ormus collection methods -Reference Edition

Nice To Meet You!

I am Chris Emmons, a pharmacist. 

the coordinator at Ormus Academy and author Ormus Modern Day Alchemy.

I opened in Spring 2016 to provide quality Ormus and Ormus-based wellness products, another way that offers news of ORMUS to the public.   

Our historic newsletter connects with 2,500 throughout the world.

I look forward to sharing Ormus with you!

Here is the book that fuels the Ormus revolution.

Timeless information……never out of date, Ormus: Modern Day Alchemy is one book that no modern health care library should be without. Do not miss an opportunity to own the book that finally explains the time honored Ormus collection processes.

This book is practically an encyclopedia of Ormus alchemical information with chapters on the history, material, descriptions of many collection processes & brief discussions.

The book has been written to both introduce new persons to Ormus and to serve as a reference for those more advanced. Along with significant important Ormus information, thirteen processes of Ormus collection, both traditional time tested and more current proven methods, are detailed in the book. (Visit Ormus Academy Study Program at EmmonsEssentialEssence.com)

Recipes, Ingredients, Easy to follow instructions. Sources of supply. How to make Ormus in your own home.

Here in one book are clear, detailed explanations of time-honored Ormus collection processes.

This book is practically an encyclopedia of Ormus alchemical information with chapters on the history, material, descriptions of many collection processes & brief discussions.

Trying to get this information, even to find this information, on a paper by paper basis would be financially ruinous as well as maddening -it also can never duplicate all the information with explanation found in Ormus Modern Day Alchemy.

If you contemplate a path of self-discovery and empowerment, Ormus Modern Day Alchemy will serve you well.

CHRISTINE M. EMMONS, a Florida Resident, Pharmacist, author, & lecturer of Ormus Alchemy working to facilitate personal knowledge of the Ormus material through application of common collection processes.

Emmons has preserved & brought this practical knowledge together in the book Ormus Modern Day Alchemy: Primer of Ormus Collection Processes Reference Edition (Dreamgate Press 2009).

She asks that you learn & share Ormus information with the world. Emmons’ is a senior member of the global Ormus community & the Alchemy Guild (www.AlchemyGuild.org ).

What is Ormus? What does Ormus do for me? by Chris Emmons
Ormus contains, in a highly bio-available form, essential mineral ion nutrients and their M-State energy. Ormus is collected from mineral-rich natural source materials such as unprocessed sea salt, properly prepared seawater, soil, plant material and other specially chosen naturally occurring resources.

Ormus bolsters the physical body and spirit within. Ormus is not a drug –it will not get you high. It provides trace mineral ions that seems to assist communication between cells in the body thus supporting health, brain coherence, mental clarity; and increased level of awareness –a link to consciousness which falls in the realm of Spirit. Most report they feel noticeably better after Ormus.

In short: Ormus appears to feed areas of life that creates vibrancy …..and this vibrancy in turn may assist in providing better health and perhaps longer life.

One of the names I personally call Ormus is: The “good stuff” but if you search on the internet use the search words: “sea solids” or “Ormus”. Other monikers recently offered as pseudo names for Ormus include Outstanding Mineral nutrients; Pico minerals; Original Restoration Minerals; Open source Restoration Minerals; and Marvelous Minerals.

You may embrace the possibility of benefit to life from the viewpoint of supplementation with mineral ions and/or the viewpoint of M-State action on the etheric mind/body/spirit complex. M-State action includes parameters of Quantum physics caused by energy contained within the mineral ions.

Choose to experience better in mind, body and spirit. Buy Ormus or learn to collect your own in the book Ormus Modern Day Alchemy!

What the Ormus community refers to as a meta-physical state of matter is matter that is simply more refined and exists at a much higher frequency.

When m state enters biological systems [plant, animal, human] its superconductive state flows unimpeded energy to all tissues - right down to the DNA template which creates the plant, animal, human. The greater energy flow, a form of information, within every living cell allows for increased vigor in fighting disease, more energy; building or repairing; and in general, maintaining the body, the plant or the animal. Many also feel m state strengthens the Spirit in the body.

The physical minerals in Ormus, also called Trace minerals or micro-minerals, care for the Physical (low energy) body. They support the daily function of glands within the body. Glands are essential for life since they produce hormones whose effects, too many to list here, include greater brain, cardiovascular and immunity function. Glandular functions truly run the body and an important point to remember.

Well known is that minerals are lacking in modern farming and food processing systems.

It is the easily absorbed minerals and their M-State form in Discovery Ormus which benefit the physical, mental and emotional aspects. Many believe the spiritual aspect also benefits.

Read what Others Say About Ormus Modern Day Alchemy
"It is very appropriate that a trained, modern pharmacist has written ORMUS MODERN DAY ALCHEMY in this volume, Chris Emmons is helping to keep alive and make available the special awareness about ormus. Here, she is giving many people access to rare information from legendary times. I am confident that her efforts will help many!" ---Peter May, Windhorse Bota

nicals "Thanks Chris! Your book is still the number one reference on modern alchemy and ORMUS. So proud to have gotten the chance to work with you...." -Dennis William Hauck Author:

“This is dedication Man. On my bed, Chris’ Book. “ORMUS Modern Day Alchemy”. It’s always open and I’m always learning….” -Thomas

"Yeah, buy the book! There are sales and then there is the truth.. This book is essential to answering your questions about Ormus and it is my opinion that you need this book to get started in ORMUS unless you feel like pestering entire groups already long into the evolution of the process with the general questions most people have.. how is it done?, what is it good for?, how can I make it?, etc... Ormus is nothing less than a college education that ranges in subjects they don't generally teach in college. This book is your first and most essential introduction... I make nothing from the sales of this book. What I am saying is a fact that you will later come to appreciate. You will thank me later :) " -Karl

“I have a copy of this book! I have had it for ten years! If you are serious about Ormus and it's processes buy it! It is truly one of a kind” -James

"I have just finished reading the book for the second time. I think if people with questions read the book, they'd not have too many questions "left." I am still reeling from the magnitude of information it holds. This is not "just a book." It's a gift. So, thank you Chris Emmons for all your hard work and "care." And respectfully, thank you Ralph Kinsley as well." -Eira

"The easiest way for me is was the Wet Method to make c11 Ormus. There are tons of videos and tutorials online to do it but I bought the Ormus book by Chris Emmons and having the book puts all the information right in front of you. I've made Ormus multiple times following the steps right from the book. A great resource the book is." -Clinton "

"I have been taking Ormus for several months. I'm making my own Ormus now!!I bought Chris Emmons book and was Excellent!! In my opinion Ormus does work!! I have been lifting weights for a long time (power lifting) and lm almost 70 yrs old I can still pump some heavy weight people asking me in the gym what I'm taking and I tell them I'm taking Ormus. I have seen a lot of improvement in my strength. I hope in a year I'll be able to compete with the young guys again!!!LOL!!! THANK YOU ALL." -Evangelos

"I love the book i have it at home and found much good information in it." -Laura

“Dear Chris Emmons, I am contacting you because I read your book "Ormus". Excellent research work and probably one of the most important publications of contemporary alchemy. A light in the pathway of those who tread alchemy.” -JoseCarlos

“Hi Chris, I just now received _The Jewish Alchemists_ (bought on eBay per your recommendation in the Ormus book) and I am very excited to have it join all my Western (started with Jung and Von Franz but got to Waite and Regardie and original works) Alchemical Library! At the same time I bought your book, I also purchased some commercial Ormus, which I have enjoyed so far but of course looking forward to making my own! Just wanted to get in touch and let you know I am about to embark on this seriously! Thanks and I appreciate all your research in getting me started! Peace, Chris” -Chris

"Chris is a really trusted source of great info I always bring her book out when I am thinking of making some Ormus ." -Kathy "Rereading the part of your book about making live oil was most enlightening. It is/was like what your pins say, "It’s in the book." Lots of good info there most of which I did not absorb and remember from the first read through. Yeah! for Chris's book and all the effort she put into it. Naturally, that has promoted me to reread other portions of that "masterwork." Glad I own one and am thinking about at least one friend who ought to be eager to read it and own a copy of their own. They have been working with essential oils and would like to become an apothecary." -David

"I'd like to take this opportunity to say that although I am only in the very early stage of reading your book, I Do think already it's The Most Amazing & informative book I have found. The Introduction alone was Very moving & has given me a Much Greater Respect for the rest of the information within this book that I am yet to read…. Although I have Not even read this first book, I ask if there is a Second volume because I want to be Prepared/Well Read & Ready to Correctly inform Others of The Great things that Ormus does & has done for me over the past 18 Months. I know of many that Need to Know Ormus , Maybe Even more Urgently than myself. Some are Loved ones & some are not. They don't know Ormus, I am So Grateful that I do, I almost feel Gifted from Finding & Progressively Knowing Ormus. At First I thought I Can Help these people & I sort of feel it's like a Duty of mine to Do just that, With the Best and Happiest of Want to Do just that… Chris Emmons, Barry Carter , Ralph Kinsley & Others I Thank You All for Helping Me Know Ormus Better So I Can Help Others Know Ormus Better. -"Gus"