This plant is available for order; begin shipping April 1st

Cyperus haspan

Cyperus haspan, also known as dwarf papyrus, has been a mainstay in the water garden industry.  This tropical marginal plant resembles a miniature version of the giant papyrus. A vigorous grower and easy to maintain, dwarf papyrus is a great plant to add a tropical look to your water feature no matter what the size. You can plant it singly or in a group around the margins of your pond.

Common Name:      Dwarf Papyrus

Use: Tropical Marginal

Flower Color: White

Leaf Color: Green

Height: 18''

Width: 3'' to 6''

Container Size: 1 gallon or larger

Fertilizer: 1 tablet monthly

Hardiness Zone: 9 to12

Light Conditions: Full sun to partial shade

Native To: North America

Available As: 2'' and 4'' pots

Planting and Care Instructions For Water Garden Plants

MARGINAL OR BOG PLANTS Marginal plants should be planted in individual containers of approximately 1 to 3 gallon capacity. Some marginal plants are grown in 2'' net pots and it is recommended that you plant without removing these net pots as not to damage the roots. The net pots are designed to split apart as the plants matures. You can help speed up this process by snipping a couple of times around the top rim of the pot. Plant as you would waterlilies with heavy loam soil, but when adding fertilizer tablets, use 1 tablet for 1 gallon size pots and 2 tablets for 2 or 3 gallon size pots. Marginal plants should be lowered to a depth of only 1 to 3 inches. They grow out of the water and are usually found at the water's edge.


Spring shipping days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Summer shipping days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.

Fall shipping days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.

Winter shipping days: Monday and Friday.