Strelitzia Nicolai

Strelitzia Nicolai commonly known as  ‘Bird of Paradise White’  is the the largest of the three species of Strelitzia from South Africa, an evergreen perennial, the White Bird of Paradise will form a clump of several tall and slender trunks with distichous crowns of large, leathery, banana-like leaves, and carries large clusters of blue and white, birdlike flowers (hence the common name).

This will grow happily in all temperate and tropical areas that experience only light frosts.


Abrade a small portion of each seed with sand paper or on a rough brick or similar, then soak seeds for 24 hours before sowing 2cm deep in a good loamy compost. Keep in a propagator or warm place, at between 28 and 32 degrees C, and do not exclude light. Germination can be erratic, usually taking between 2 to 6 months, sometimes longer, so do not discard the seed pots. Pot on small plants frequently in a coarse loose compost to achieve huge plants very quickly.