This 1995 Sierra Print Artist Version 3.0 CD-ROM disk for Windows 3.1 is vintage software for early Windows computers that provided a graphic design program for creating signs, greeting cards, postcards, banners, calendars etc. for people with little or no art experience.  This sale includes the Print Artist CD-ROM (photos 2 & 3), the 216 page Print Artist User's Guide (photos 4 - 8), 19 page Troubleshooting Guide (photo 9), Print Artist Users Club Newsletter Vol. 2 No. 21 (photos 10 & 11) and an extra 1995 Express Art Users Club CD-ROM disk (photo 12).  This software has not been used in years and has not been recently tested but the CDs appear to be in very good condition with no scratches etc.  This is being sold 'as-is'.  Please see all photos as part of this description and to determine condition.

                                      A NICE ADDITION TO ANY VINTAGE COMPUTER COLLECTION.

No International Shipping.

Satisfaction Guaranteed.  Please email me before purchase with any questions or concerns or if you find any misrepresentations in the listing. Thank you.