
It's a semilenoso shrub with very variable morphology depending on the variety and growing conditions, but which normally does not usually exceed 50 cm in height, with initially erect branches but with a tendency to spread later prostrate flush of your ELO in an area of several square meters. It has leaves alternate, simple, entire, petiolate, thick and rounded. The branches have a sharp and Woody Stipules, transformed into spines, up to 1 cm in length, making very difficult and laborious work of collection of capers. 

Its showy flowers are white or pink petals and long stamens with purple anthers. They are axillary: born at the intersections of leaves with stalk, supported by regular peduncles. 

This shrub is used root, bark, flower buds (called capers) and the immature fruit (known as capers). Although it is not a medicinal plant in itself, it has some therapeutic properties.



Analgesic, Dysentery, creation of poultices, DEPURATIVO, diuretic, emenagogo, Expectorant, laxative, laxative, laxative, orexigenic, orexigenic, toning general Y Vermifuge.



Stratify the seed for 90 days at 5 ° C in wet sand. For those seeds that have double lethargy should combine a prior scarification, followed by a stratification treatment. Pre-cooling for two months to 1 - 5 ° C.


Combined shipping costs 

If you have any questions or need help both with plants such as seeds, I will be happy to try to help you.