VegWASH™ Concentrate Organic Raw Produce Cleaner has been a trusted brand of raw produce cleaner technology across the globe for well over a decade now. It is made in the USA where it is manufactured, tested and bottled using FDA current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs) by Nutraneering™ in our FDA registered and audited facility in Irvine, California on Technology Drive – right next to some of the greatest biotech companies in the world. Production, FDA documentation and Quality Control (QC) testing are overseen by our founder - Biochemist and former Research Scientist at NASA’s Water and Food Analytical Lab (W.A.F.A.L.) in building 37 (the Life Sciences Building) at the LBJ Space Center – Houston.

VegWASH consists of certified organic oils that have been saponified into a nano-emulsion that safely and effectively removes undesirables from the surface of raw produce regardless if they are water or oil soluble, VegWASH removes it all; this includes pesticides, herbicides, urine, feces, bio-sludge, dirt, dust, pollution, and more. All of these undesirables not only prevent the true taste of raw produce from being realized, but many of these can cause sickness – including cancer.

VegWASH concentrate is a golden liquid that once diluted to full strength, has engineered molecules that have two ends. One end grabs oil soluble undesirables and the other end grabs water and water soluble undesirables – all of which are rinsed away on the final rinse – leaving produce like apples squeaky clean. VegWASH comes in an unscented version and a subtly scented version that is pleasant when using, but washes away leaving no scent or taste on the raw produce it cleaned.

VegWASH is perfectly safe to use to clean your raw produce.  Use VegWASH as directed; using more than is directed is not likely to yield any additional benefit. Nutraneering™ does not spend much money advertising VegWASH – we don't have to. This huge savings is passed along to you (the consumer) in the form of a lower price and free shipping. You can easily find more expensive (per diluted to full strength fluid ounce), more heavily advertised premium true raw produce cleaners, but we are confident that you will not find one better - at any price. Manufacturing this level of quality using fair trade and ethical labor is expensive, but we would much rather apologize for our price than ever have to apologize for our quality, safety or ethics.

Cost / Benefit Analysis:

This 19 Fl Oz of VegWASH Organic Unscented Raw Produce Cleaner Concentrate makes 323 Fl Oz of full strength VegWASH that can be used as a soak for porous, raw produce. It can also be used to fill spray bottles which spray VegWASH onto raw produce. 323 Fl Oz which is enough to fill a 17 Fl Oz capacity spray bottle 19 times. The cost of this bottle of VegWASH Organic Unscented Raw Produce Cleaner Concentrate is just $29.90. So $29.90 divided by 323 Fl Oz gives a cost of just $0.09 per Fl Oz for diluted full strength VegWASH or just $1.57 per 17 Fl Oz spray bottle refill. There is nothing on the market that is safer and more wholesome to clean your raw produce with and at only $0.09 per Fl Oz for diluted full strength VegWASH - $1.57 per 17 fluid ounce spray bottle refill - $0.39 per half gallon of soak - the benefits should be self-evident.

You are purchasing 19 Fl Oz of VegWASH™ Unscented Raw Produce Cleaner Concentrate in a BPA-free white plastic bottle – triple sealed for your protection and an accompanying 17 Fl Oz capacity VegWASH spray bottle. Shipping in the USA is free.  Order and use VegWASH with confidence!  

DIRECTIONS: Recommended dilution is 1 Fl Oz of VegWASH concentrate to 16 Fl Oz of pure water* for a spray and 1 Fl Oz of VegWASH concentrate to 1 gallon of pure water for a soak. For a soak: add as much of the diluted full strength VegWASH to a sink or other container and let the raw produce soak for 5 or so minutes before agitating the produce in the water; then drain the VegWASH soak water and fill sink or other container with warm tap water or with pure water; let the raw produce soak again for 5 minutes or longer to get all of the VegWASH out before agitating the produce in the water again and draining the rinse water; repeat as desired. For a spray: just fill any spray bottle with diluted full strength VegWASH and spray the surface of non-porous raw produce and massage onto the surface with your fingers; then rinse off; repeat as desired.

CAUTION: Avoid contact with eyes - or flush eyes well with water for 15 minutes, then seek medical help if irritation persists. VegWASH concentrate will temporarily turn cloudy below 70 degrees F, but this is reversed with no harm to the product when it is warmed up to room temperature or above.

NOTE: Upon investigation, you will find that there are many products online that you can choose from to clean your raw produce, but please check the ingredients and your true cost per diluted full strength fluid ounce. Are their ingredients something you would eat? Our ingredients (certified organic oils) are. Is the price a bargain? Please compare prices on a cost per diluted full strength fluid ounce; here are our current numbers (shipping to your is free in the USA):

$0.195 per diluted full strength Fl Oz – 1 US Gallon of VegWASH Just-Add-Water (jug has enough concentrate to make 1 gallon)

$0.093 per diluted full strength Fl Oz – 19 Fl Oz of VegWASH Full-Concentrate (bottle is entirely full of concentrate)

$0.078 per diluted full strength Fl Oz – 5 US Gallons of VegWASH Just-Add-Water (carboy has enough concentrate to make 5 gallons)

$0.044 per diluted full strength Fl Oz – 1 US Gallon of VegWASH Full-Concentrate (jug is entirely full of concentrate)

$0.036 per diluted full strength Fl Oz – 5 US Gallon of VegWASH Full-Concentrate (carboy is entirely full of concentrate)

* like rain, reverse osmosis (RO), softened, distilled, de-ionized, etc. - VegWASH concentrate works fine with tap water, but the hardness in the tap water combines with VegWASH concentrate and turns cloudy