
Common Name:
Prickly Pear Cactus "Watermelon"

Scientific Name: Opuntia "hybrid"

Available As: (x1Freshly Cut Unrooted Cactus Pad


- This is very hardy cactus & will pretty much grow anywhere 

- It will do best if grown in full sun

- Can be grown in USDA Zones 5 to 10

- I've been the owner of lovely cactus for such as this one for 30+ years
& want to share it with the world!


These cactus pads are very resilient and will adapt readily to their
new home. On rare occasions, a pad may die after being planted.
(This is very uncommon!) Please keep in mind that I will guarantee
and replace any pad that happens to die for whatever reason as
long as they were planted as per the directions listed below and
given a reasonable amount of time to adapt to their new environment. 
If you have any questions before or after purchasing, please contact
me via the eBay message forum. I will answer EVERYONE who 
contacts me! 


1. Place the cutting on a flat surface in filtered sunlight. Choose a
dry room that has constant temperatures of 60 degrees Fahrenheit
or higher. Leave the cutting for seven to 10 days to form callus
tissue over the cut edge.

2. Mix one part perlite with one part compost to create a well
draining growing medium to plant the cactus in. Fill a container
with the mixture, leaving the top 1 to 2 inches empty. Use a
container with drainage holes in its bottom (Also can be planted
directly into the ground if you so choose, both methods have a
high success rate for me).

3. Set the cactus cutting with the callused edge resting on the
soil in the center of the pot. Push one-third to one-half of the
cutting into the soil mixture. Tamp the soil down around the
base of the cactus until the cutting is able to stand upright
on its own.

4. Water the planted cutting using a watering can until the soil
is evenly moist. Place the pot in a warm room in filtered sunlight.
Water the cactus when the top inch of soil begins to dry out.

5. Decrease supplemental watering to 1/4 inch of water applied
every seven days once the cactus becomes established and
begins to produce new growth. Follow this water regimen during
the months when nighttime temperatures remain above 60 degrees
Fahrenheit. Give the cactus 1/4 inch of water every 14 days when
nighttime temperatures drop below 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

6. Move the cactus to full sunlight indoors once it begins producing
new growth to begin acclimating it to brighter light. Move the cactus
to full sunlight outdoors after two weeks if you eventually plan to
plant the cactus outdoors in the ground.


  • 100% SAFE ARRIVAL GUARANTEE (or will refund/re-ship)
  • Contact me via eBay Messaging for help regarding products or orders 
  • Shipped Standard USPS First Class (upgrades available at checkout)
  • !!! PLEASE CONTACT ME w/ PICTURES IF FOUND Damaged !!! (I will replace or re-fund your order)

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