Lactibiane Immuno (30 tablets) is an innovative immunobiotic that contributes to the prevention of respiratory infections.

Lactibiane Immuno contains:

- 2 specific strains of beneficial bacteria - Lactobacillus paracasei LA802 and Lactobacillus acidophilus LA201

- Vitamin C

- Vitamin D

- Prebiotics Inulin and Fructo-oligosaccharides

Vitamin C contributes to the normal function of the immune system, normal energy metabolism, protection of cells from oxidative stress, reduction of fatigue and exhaustion, and increase of iron absorption.

Vitamin D contributes to the normal function of the immune system, normal absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus, normal levels of calcium in the blood.

How to use: Adults and children over 6 years. Once a day, gently dissolve 1 tablet in the mouth, between meals. Drink for a period of one month.

The use of the product is not recommended after surgery, in immunocompromised persons, persons on immunosuppressive therapy, including patients with allograft, in persons with bloody diarrhea, with liver disease, as well as in persons with central venous catheter.

The product should not be taken by people who are hypersensitive to any of the ingredients of the product. The product is not intended for children under 6 years of age. When the product Lactibiane Immuno, tablets are taken with oral antibiotic therapy, it should be taken 2 hours after the dose of antibiotics.

The product is suitable for vegetarian and vegan diets.

Ingredients: fructooligosaccharides, inulin, microcrystalline cellulose (emulsifier), lyophilized culture of microorganisms (Lactobacillum paracasei and Lactobacillus acidophilus), L-ascorbic acid, magnesium stearate (anticoagulant), aroma of mint, sunflower, cholera.

Lactibiane Immuno (30 tableta) je inovativni imunobiotik koji doprinosi prevenciji respiratornih infekcija.

Lactibiane Immuno sadrži:
– 2 specifična soja korisnih bakterija – Lactobacillus paracasei LA802 i Lactobacillus acidophilus LA201
– Vitamin C
– Vitamin D
– Prebiotike Inulin i Frukto-oligosaharide

Vitamin C doprinosi normalnoj funkciji imunskog sitema, normalnom energetskom metabolizmu, zaštiti ćelija od oksidativnog stresa, smanjenju zamora i iscrpljenosti, i povećanju apsorpcije gvožđa.

Vitamin D doprinosi normalnoj funkciji imunskog sistema, normalnoj apsorpciji i iskorišćenju kalcijuma i fosfora, normalnom nivou kalcijuma u krvi.

Način upotrebe: Odrasli i deca iznad 6 godina. Jednom dnevno 1 tabletu lagano rastopiti u ustima, između obroka. Piti u periodu od mesec dana.
Primena proizvoda se ne preporučuje nakon hirurških operacija, kod imunokompromitovanih osoba, osoba na imunosupresivnoj terapiji, uključujući i pacijente sa alograftom, kod osoba sa krvavom dijarejom, sa oboljenem jetre, kao ikod osoba sa centralnim venskim kateterom.

Proizvod ne treba da uzimaju osobe preosetljive na neki od sastojaka proizvoda. Proizvod nije namenjen deci ispod 6 godina. Kada se proizvod Lactibiane Immuno, tablete uzima uz oralnu antibiotsku terapiju, treba ga uzeti 2 sata posle primenjene doze antibiotika.

Proizvod je pogodan za vegetarijanski i veganski režim ishrane.

Sastojci: frukto-oligosaharidi, inulin, mikrokristalna celuloza (emulgator), liofilizovana kultura mikroorganizama (Lactobacillum paracasei i Lactobacillus acidophilus), L-askorbinska kiselina, magnezijum stearat (sredstvo protiv zgrudvavanja), aroma nane, holekalciferol, sukraloza (zaslađivač).

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