Page 168 of Incunable Nuremberg chronicles , done in 1493 . PEPIN & Charlemagne

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This is the page 168 from the famous book the chronichles of nuremberg , so far so on the history of the world as they saw 
until 1493


Charles (Carolus) was surnamed the Great because of his distinguished services, his great faith, and his liberality toward all Christians. After he had added to his paternal kingdom, not only Gaul, on the Rhine and on the sea; and Germany, on the Danube and the river Saale; also Aquitaine,[Aquitaine was a Roman province in southwestern Gaul; later a French duchy united with England in 1154; conquered by the French in 1451.] Vasconia,[Vasconia, the country of the Vascones, in the northeastern part of Hispania Terraconensis, between the Iberus and the Pyrenees, and stretching as far as the north coast in the present Navarre and Guipuscoa. Their name is preserved in the modern one of the Basques, although the people do not call themselves by that appellation, but Euscaldunac, their country Euscalaria, and their language Euscara. They went into battle bareheaded, and passed among the Romans for skillful soothsayers. Their principal town is Pompelo (Pamplona).] and nearly all of Spain; and had engaged the Lombards in Italy and by might and force added them to his kingdom; but also Saxony, which is no small part of the German nation, and both Pannoniae,[Pannonia was one of the most important provinces of the Roman Empire, on the south and west of the Danube, which forms its boundary on the north and east; to the south lie Illyricum and Moesia; while in the west it was separated from Noricum by Mount Cetius, and from Italy by the Julian Alps. The country extended along the Danube from Vindobona (Vienna) to Singidunum, and accordingly comprised the eastern portions of Austria, Carinthia, Carniola, the portion of Hungary between the Danube and the Save, Slavonia, and portions of Croatia and Bosnia. The Romans divided it into Pannonia Superior and Inferior, and Upper and Lower Pannonia, and in consequence of this division the whole country is sometimes called by the plural name Pannoniae.] and beyond the Danube, Dacia[Dacia, between the lower Danube and the Carpathian mountains was the country of the Daci or Getae, a Thracian people.] and Istria,[Istria, a peninsula in the Adriatic, running out from the coast of Liburnia, between Trieste and the Gulf of Quarnero.] and the entire Liburnian kingdom;[Liburnia, a district in Illyricum, occupied by the Liburni. Driven out from the countries between Pannonia and Venetia by the Gallic invasion, they were compressed within the district from the Titius to the Arsia, which assumed the name of Liburnia. It was afterward incorporated into the province of Dalmatia and made a Roman colony.] also all the barbarian people living in Germany between the Danube, the sea, and the Rhine—partly by force of arms and in part by kindness—so with these possessions and distinguished deeds he attained to this name and renown through force of his arms, not only in Gaul, but throughout the world. In the Year of Salvation eight hundred and one, being the fifth year of Pope Leo, (after Constantine the Great left Rome and went East to Constantinople, and the Roman Empire in the West had been dormant for two hundred thirty years after Augustulus), this Charles, through his virtue and power, brought the empire back to the West; and he received the name and office of emperor with the consent of the Roman people, and to their great joy; and as such emperor he reigned for fourteen years. In commemoration of this imperial honor he restored to its former state the city of Florence, the greater part of which had been destroyed by the Goths; and he brought back into the city all the nobles who had been dispersed among the neighboring towns, castles and marches; and he encompassed it with new walls, and adorned it with churches. Charles was erect in body, had a broad chest and shoulders, large bright eyes, slightly elevated nose, well-formed fine mouth, and a clear voice. He was dignified and courageous in bearing, manner and action. He had a long beard, healthy complexion and, according to Gallic custom, was devoted to the chase, which he believed conducive to health. It is said that he also derived much satisfaction and pleasure from the bath and from natural warm springs. He built a church to the Holy Virgin Mary at great cost and expense in the city of Aix-la-Chapelle (Aquisgrani), the capital of the empire, where he maintained his royal seat; and to this church he gave the handkerchief and shift of the most blessed Mary. In addition to his royal virtues he was well spoken, versatile, and learned in the fine arts. He had many beautiful children by many wives, especially by his wife Hildegard, namely, Charles (Carolum), Pepin (Pipinum), Louis (Ludovicum), and a number of daughters. The sons he placed under the tutelage of highly learned men for instruction in letters and in wisdom; but in order that the daughters might not become indifferent through idleness, he accustomed them to good works. When he became burdened with years, and his son Pepin, the king of Italy, had passed away at Milan, he made provision that his son Louis should be king of Aquitaine and successor to the Empire, while his grandson Bernhard should be king of Italy and obedient to Louis in all things; and he confirmed to his successors not only the kingdom of the Franks, but also the title or emperor. He left Aix-la-Chapelle to participate in the chase, but returned with a fever, and a pain in his side. And he died in the seventy-second year of his age and the forty-seventh year of his reign, in the eight hundred and fifteenth year of Christian salvation on the fifth day of the Kalends of February. His body was buried with a solemn funeral in the Basilica at Aix-la-Chapelle with (his sepulcher) bearing the following epigram: The Body of Charles the Great, a Most Christian Emperor of the Romans, Lies Buried under this Sepulcher.[The inscription is not in the German edition of the .] Three years before his death he made a will, dividing his estate into three parts, two of which he bequeathed to the principal bishops for the use of the churches and the benefit of the poor, while the third part he gave to his children and grandchildren according to their respective shares. Among his treasures were three silver tables, and a very large golden one. On one was engraved the city of Constantinople, and this he sent to St. Peter’s Church in Rome. On another was engraved the city of Rome, and this he gave to the church at Ravenna. The third one contained a description of all the country round about. This third silver table, as well as the golden one, he left to his sons.[See Folio CLXVII recto, and note.]

At this time a Jew in Syria, to the grief of the Christians, pierced an image of Christ with a lance; and soon blood flowed from it continuously. The Jew becoming frightened, held a vessel under the wound, and collected the blood. By this many people were cured, and more Jews were converted to the Christian faith. The same blood was later brought to Mantua, where it was held in great veneration because of the miracles which occurred in its presence. When Charles (Carolus) the emperor heard of this, he wrote to Pope Leo to apprise him of these things. Upon learning of this the pope went to Mantua, and after preserving the blood, he went to Charles and advised him of the truth of this miracle.


Year of the World 6023

Year of Christ 824

Eugenius, the second pope of that name, a Roman whose father was Bohemund (Boemundo), succeeded Paschal (Pascali). At this time occurred the eighth schism, between this Eugenius and one named Zinzinnus (Zinzinum); but Eugenius was worthy and honorable, and a man of distinction. And by reason of his amiability and eloquence he was given the preference. He was so industrious in the harvesting of the crops, that at no time was grain marketed in Rome at a lower price. And he protected the widows and orphans, and therefore he was deservedly called the father of the poor by many persons. After having officiated for four years he died, and was mourned by all. Some write that his enemies deprived him of his eyesight, and that thus he was crowned with martyrdom. His body was buried with every devotion in the Basilica of Peter, prince of the Apostles.[Eugenius (sometimes called Eugene in English) II, a native of Rome, succeeded Pope Paschal I in 824. He was the candidate of the nobles, while the clerical faction brought forth a competitor. But the monk Wala, representative of the emperor Lothair, succeeded in securing the election of Eugenius. Lothair, however, took advantage of this opportunity to redress many abuses in the papal administration, to vest the election of the pope in the nobles, and to confirm the statute that no pope should be consecrated until his election had been approved by the emperor. A council, which assembled at Rome, passed enactments for the restoration of church discipline, took measures for the foundation of schools and chapters, and decided against priests wearing secular dress or engaging in secular occupations. Eugenius died in 827, and was succeeded by Valentine.]

Pope Valentine (Valentinus), a Roman whose father was Leontius, was a man who from his tender years until a mature age learned from Paschal and Eugenius, very holy men, knowledge, reason, and how to lead a good and holy life. He was not inclined to gaming, quarreling and wanton pleasures, which youths indulge in, but took the teachings and regulations of a worthy life from the writings of the ancients and the examples of the holy popes. And having thus led a holy, virtuous, good and kind life, he was elevated to the pontificate, of which he was well worthy. But he died on the fortieth day of his pontificate, possibly through the fault of his contemporaries, and was buried in the Basilica of Peter. When he was alive scarcely could Roman freedom or the Christian religion be weakened.

Valentinus, successor of Pope Eugenius II, a Roman by birth, held the pontificate, in 827, for only 40 days. He was first made a deacon by Paschal I. Nothing further is known of his history. He was succeeded by Gregory IV.

The last sentence is not in the German edition of the Chronicle.

Year of the World 6033

Year of Christ 834

Pope Gregory (Gregorius) the Fourth, a Roman whose father was John (Ioanne), and a priest of the parish church of Saint Mark, of noble birth, renowned piety, distinguished scriptural wisdom and learning, and possessed of eloquence, was a man of such discretion that upon his election as pope by the Roman clergy and the people he was not willing to obtain this office until the ambassadors of Emperor Louis (Ludovici), who were to carefully discuss and confirm the election, arrived. And Emperor Louis did not send them on account of pride, but to serve the interests of the empire. At his behest Gregory instituted the feast of All Saints, to be celebrated on the Kalends of November, and the Gauls and the Germans were the first to observe it. After many good deeds Gregory died in the 16th year of his pontificate, and was buried in the Basilica of Peter. After his death the seat was vacant for 15 days.[Gregory IV, pope from 827 to 844, is chiefly associated with the quarrels between Lothair and Louis the Pious. The institution of the feast of All Saints is usually attributed to him. He died January 25, 844.]

Pepin (Pipinus), Emperor Charles’s (Caroli) eldest son, reigned as king of Italy for 13 years. He was a man of high renown, and not unlike his father in a number of ways. His father sent him against the Hungarians, whom he subdued by force of arms; also the Beneventans who were oppressing the adjoining papal lands; and against the Venetians. He also attacked Heraclaea and Aquilaeia, on which account many of the nobility went to Venice. And when he had accomplished these things and concluded many other wars, he went to Milan and there ended his life in renown and peace.[Pepin, king of Italy, second son of Charlemagne, by Hildegard, was born in 777 and died in 810. He was baptized and crowned king of Rome by Pope Adrian in 781. He carried on several wars with the Avars. In 797, together with the Bavarians and Lombards, he devastated the land of the Slavs, and in 799 marched with his father against the Saxons. In the division of the empire of Charlemagne in 806, he received Bavaria and Italy. He drove off the Moors and Corsicans, Captured Venice in 810, and subjugated the Dukes Wilheran and Beatus. His son Bernard (who died in 818) was made king of Italy by Charles the Great, his grandfather.]

Bernard (Bernardus), grandson of Charles (Caroli) the Great, was declared king of Italy by the emperor, after Pepin (Pipinum); and he reigned 9 years. Although the emperor Charlemagne had commanded him to obey his son and successor (Louis) in all things, yet after Charlemagne’s death, Bernhard refused, being influenced by a number of Italian bishops and quarrelsome citizens. He took up arms and a number of cities were compelled to submit and the people to take an oath. When knowledge of this came to the emperor, he adjudged Bernard guilty of lese majesty[The phrase ‘lese majesty’ translates the Latin l(a)esa maiestatis crimine of the . Best known by its French spelling, lèse majesté, the phrase in any language translates as ‘(crime of) injury to the majesty’. It is the crime of violating majesty, an offense against the dignity of a reigning sovereign or against a state.], and declared him an enemy. And the emperor, together with an army collected from Gaul, Germany and Bavaria, marched into Italy. Those of the nobility who were to blame were strangled, Bernhard was beheaded, and the bishops were deposed and sent into monasteries.[Bernhard, king of Italy, (illegitimate) son of Pepin and grandson of Charlemagne, was appointed king by the latter, and crowned in 813. When Louis the Pious, in 817, decided to divide the empire among his sons, and to appoint his son Lothair as his successor, Bernard felt himself aggrieved, and took to arms. On the pretence of a settlement he was enticed to Chalon on the Saons, and in 818 was blinded. He died on the following April 17th. Louis the Pious rued this gruesome deed, and in 822 did public penance in church for it.]

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From Hartmann Schedel

Original Page
Charles (Carolus) was surnamed the Great because of his distinguished services, his great faith, and his liberality toward all Christians. After he had added to his paternal kingdom, not only Gaul, on the Rhine and on the sea; and Germany, on the Danube and the river Saale; also Aquitaine,[Aquitaine was a Roman province in southwestern Gaul; later a French duchy united with England in 1154; conquered by the French in 1451.] Vasconia,[Vasconia, the country of the Vascones, in the northeastern part of Hispania Terraconensis, between the Iberus and the Pyrenees, and stretching as far as the north coast in the present Navarre and Guipuscoa. Their name is preserved in the modern one of the Basques, although the people do not call themselves by that appellation, but Euscaldunac, their country Eu
Language German
Region germany
Binding Loose Pages
Date of Publication 1493
Subject History
Special Attributes First Edition
Special Attributes Illustrated
Place of Publication germany
Original/Facsimile Original