Wild Yam Extract  - 100g

Botanical Name: Dioscorea Villosa

Plant Family: Dioscoreaceae
Other Names: Colic Root, Rheumatism Root, Wilde Yamwurzel, Mexidan Yam, Devil's Bones, Dioscore, Racine d'ignameSauvage, Radice Yam Selvatico, Yabani Yam Kk & Yuma.
Description: Wild Yam Powder is obtained by cutting up and grinding the roots of the Wild Yam (Dioscorea Villosa).
Uses: In cosmetics and personal care products, Wild Yam Powder is used in the formulation of body and hand creams, lotions, powders and sprays, as well as skin moisturisers.
Benefits: Wild Yam Power is used to enhance the appearance of dry or damaged skin by reducing flaking and restoring suppleness.

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Do not consume. For external use only. Keep away from children and eyes