Unframed Print: Our prints are sold and shipped unframed to keep production and shipping costs as low as possible. It is our experience that customers want the freedom to choose a frame that matches their unique style and decor. You may even want to choose a frame that matches the character of the poster. We don't waste any of our time or your money on cheap, black poster frames. Inexpensive frames are readily available at most local craft stores and more elaborate frames can be found at a frame shop or gallery.

Why Vinyl?
Our 10mil Premium Indoor Vinyl is perfect for situations where you need the highest quality poster that lasts a lifetime. The smooth, matte surface provides for high level of print detail. The unique material has a unique "moleskin" feeling to the touch. Posters can be stored in a tube for years and it will return to flat when rolled out flat and allowed time to relax.

Please note: This material IS NOT waterproof or scuff resistant. It must be handled and cared for the same as a paper poster. 

Framing Your New Print: After your new print arrives, we recommend that you carefully remove the print from the shipping tube, gently unroll the poster and allow the print to lay flat in a safe place (printed side face up) for at least 24 hours before framing. This allows the natural curve of the vinyl to fully relax and lay perfectly flat inside the frame.

Using heavy objects to weight the poster down on the flat surface may crease or wrinkle the poster or may damage the inks.

Buyers & Bidding: We prefer that all buyers have prior positive feedback on their eBay account. If you have a new eBay account, please contact us BEFORE buying.