Four Seasons 2022 The Master Collection Photographic Prints by Neville Hiatt

The A4 Calendars from this collection are not available for sale. They are a special edition given to select individuals as selected by the artist.

The archival quality wall prints feature an A3 photograph printed on 16"x20" Kodak Endura Metallic paper. The title of the image along with the artist name and edition number is written underneath each image. The prints are an edition of 4.

Could you live without heating? Refrigeration? Walking to the public shower/toilet block each day? Neville did while living off grid to bring you these beautiful memories of Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.

The public library, friends & Gippsland Lakes Escapes provided power & internet. How did you survive the past year? Neville used his camera as a momentary reprieve from the insanity of the world and captured these beautiful images.

The 13 best photographs from each season are selected for the yearly limited edition of 12 calendars, and limited edition of 4 prints & 
in a format ebay won't let me tell you about.

Front Cover - I have loved this image from the moment I saw it. The nakedness of the tree with the koala facing the other way shot in black and white captures my heart in an indescribable way.

January - Of all the sunrises experienced across all four seasons, how to pick just one? I chose this one for its serenity, its stillness, and deep rich colours. Featuring a bonus cameo from the moon.

February - It wasn’t easy picking just one rainbow lorikeet. I still question whether the Summers October photograph should have been here. But I chose this one, I love these birds and look forward to bringing you new images of them for 2023.

March - It looks similar to Winter’s August photograph. It’s framed slightly differently and this version was shot in black and white. Like the front cover, I love that it’s not your usual koala photograph, again you can’t see its face. You also can’t see the branch the koala is sitting on.

April - This was the first photograph I knew would be in The Master Collection. More like a painting than a photograph. The colouring of the bird against the stillness of the water in the background and rocks in the foreground. I will forever be proud of capturing this image.

May - One of my most memorable days photographing. I’ve had many memorable days and some have been close to bringing tears to my eyes. What we have all been through the last two years along with the rare sighting of a joey kangaroo imprinted this day in my memory more than most. Seeing the natural world continue to create new life blissfully unaware of the events happening around the world is one of the reasons I take photographs.

June - I’ve already found one fan of this photograph. Before I settled on the theme of shooting each season every year, my 2019 offerings where a full colour calendar, a selective colour calendar and a black and white calendar. I love shooting in selective colour though this is the only one in this years collection. It’s more common to be able to shoot a sunrise in yellow, being able to capture red is rare.

July - Some nights there is time to travel to an ideal location for a picturesque horizon for a sunset. Like the December photographs from the entire #FourSeaons2022 range.
Some nights that isn't possible but some nights the whole sky lights up and everywhere you look there is colour. This was one of those nights. This is an overhead shot of a night I'll hopefully remember for years.

August - There are moments in ones life where persistence pays off. Capturing this koala curled up in this curved tree was one of those moments.

September - I'm a firm believer of not interfering with wild animals. When I look at photographs like this I want to touch and pet because they look so fluffy and cuddly. This is one that I'd have hanging on my wall if I had the space.

October - Capturing the momentary and preserving it for as long as your art survives is one of the joys of being a photographer. This photograph achieves that on multiple levels. The autumn leaf only has it's colour for a short period of time. To see one floating in the water in a location I could photograph like this one was a very special moment.

November - Originally selected for the Autumn Four Seasons collection this photograph was bumped up to be included in The Master Collection and the black and white photograph of these koalas was switched out of The Master Collection to be included in the Autumn Four Seasons collection.

December - Of all the sunsets experienced across all four seasons, how to pick just one? While most sunsets are remembered for their serenity this one was selected for it's life. The birdlife was so active it made an already memorable sunset unforgettable.

A selection from all Four Seasons as chosen by the public are being featured at the Ballarat International Foto Biennale.