SEFER TORAH Scroll Book Hebrew Ashkenaz Bible & YAD POINTER 
Size:  48cm / 18inch.

- The Torah scroll is the most sacred and significant religious object in the Jewish community.

- It contains the first five books of the Hebrew Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

- Symbolizes the profound connection between the Jewish people and God.

- Provides teachings, laws, and instructions from the Lord for righteous living and wisdom.

- The "Israel Holy Bible Ashkenazi" is a specific edition associated with the Ashkenazi Jewish tradition in Israel.

- Tailored to the needs and preferences of the Ashkenazi Jewish community.

- Likely includes the same books as the standard Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) such as the Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim.

- May feature additional commentaries, interpretations, or supplementary materials relevant to the Ashkenazi Jewish tradition.

- Written in Hebrew, the sacred language of Judaism.

- Reflects the principles and religious perspectives of the Ashkenazi Jewish community.

- Signifies a guide for religious practices, study, and reflection.

- Fosters a deep connection to the heritage and spiritual beliefs of the Ashkenazi Jewish community in Israel.

The box that holds the scroll is made like the Ark of the synagogue. It can be opened and closed, its doors are kept closed with magnets