This poppy is a hardy annual, growing  to 120cm and much loved by the bees.   In this seed mix, the colours are variable,  but mostly dark plum with some red and light pinks.  Flowers are of single forms.

Best sown directly outside into the ground in spring or autumn.  Autumn sown seeds will provide you with earlier blooms in the following year.
Favours a sunny spot with good drainage. 
Germination time varies depending on the soil condition and growing temperatures. Keep the soil moist during germination.
Thin seedlings when large enough to handle  to around 30cm (12in) apart.
Water during dry spells but be careful not to overdo it as this encourages quick growth and leggy plants.
Deadhead faded poppy flowers often to encourage more blooms.
Poppies self-sow, so to avoid unwanted spread, remove faded flowers in good time before the seed heads develop.
If spent flowers are not removed, they  will form into attractive seed pods which  can be left to turn light brown and dry out for 1-2 weeks before the seeds can be harvested .
Once annual poppies have gone to seed, pull up the parent plants and compost.
Garden use only – do not consume the  seeds or any part of the plant

You will get a teaspoonful of seeds - they are too tiny to count but there will be hundreds of them!