Dimension :-
  • Length - 28 Cm.
  • Width - 21 Cm.
  • Height - 38 Cm.
  • Weight - 10.500 Kilogram (Kg.)
  • Metal - Bronze


Shiva or Mahadeva is the supreme god in Shaivism tradition in Hinduism and one of the chief deities as a member of the Trimurti. Shiva is causeless auspiciousness. An embodiment of ultimate space of enlightenment. He assumed human form to guide humans in the past and thus is known as Adhiguru (first guru).

His space of enlightenment is what all spiritual seekers aspire for. All enlightened masters live in this space of Shiva. Shiva is known as the destroyer god because he removes all evil from the world. His wife is the goddess Parvti or Devi Durga.

According to Hindu legend, he has a blue neck because he swallowed a poison in order to save the universe. He has three eyes, the third eye is on his forehead. Shiva is one-third of the Hindu TriMurti including Brahma and Vishnu.