Made using beef suet, our premium Bird Butter is 100% natural and free from any artificial colours or flavours. We use premium peanut meal with high quality ingredients to create an irresistible, healthy & tasty product that all garden birds will enjoy!
Each Jar contains around 375g of Delicious Bird Butter.

Feeding Guide:
Just simply attach the Feeder house to your desired location, attach some string and load in the Bird Butter, remove the lid and enjoy!

Mealworm & Insect - Wheat Flour, Beef Suet, Peanut Flour, Seed Mix, Turmeric (Natural Colourant), Dried Mealworms, Black Soldier Fly Larvae Powder

Fruit & Berry - Wheat Flour, Beef Suet, Beetroot Powder, Seed Mix, Peanut Flour, Blackcurrant, Raisins, Cranberries, Elderberries, Strawberry Meal

Smooth Peanut Butter - Wheat Flour, Beef Suet, Peanut Flour

Seed & Nut - Wheat Flour, Beef Suet, Seed Mix, Hempseed, Peanut Flour