Chen style Taijiquan - Chen Style Tai Chi Old Form Routine I by Wang Xi'an 4DVDs


Chen-Style Taiji Old Frame is created by Chen Changxing, the 14th-generation Shih Tsu of Chen clan in Chenjiagou. Based on Taiji Boxing Routine V, Cannon Boxing Routine I, 108 routines of Chang Quan Routine I composed by Chen Wangting, it is compiled into popular Old Frame Routine 1 and Routine 2 Taiji Boxing by Bo Guiyue. The Old Frame Routine I, fist emphasizes softness, integrated with some hardness, it moves graceful, with light and steady steps, erect and natural body. An inside strength pervades the whole body. The dominating strength is twisting and the major moving part is waist. One movement brings about the movement of whole body, which are linked successively, without any letup. It moves freely and continously. When it sends off force, its relaxing, activeness, flipping and shaking share the same strength.

Lecturer: Wang Xi'an
Format: 4DVDs
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese 






Wang Xi'an, born in 1944, is from Chenjiagou, Wenxian, Henan Province, China. He is one of the 'gao tu' (high skilled disciples) of 18th generation successors, Chen Zhaopi and Chen Zhaokui. He is one of the most notable representatives of the 19th generation successors. Wang Xi'an is the Head Coach of the Wenxian Taijiquan Training and Promotion Center, Vice Secretary-General of the Wenxian International Taijiquan Research Meeting and Competition, Director of the Wenxian, Chenjiagou Martial Arts Training Institute, and the Head Coach and Head Advisor to Taijiquan Associations in Japan, France, Malaysia, South Korea, and in nearly every province in China. He is also Vice Dean of the Henan University Athletics Department, Honorary Famous Lecturer of Henan Teachers University, and Executive Council member of the Henan Province Tourist Association.

In 1983 Wang Xi'an was appointed as a Coach of the Henan Province Martial Arts Training Center, Zhengzhou. He many times won All China National Push Hands and Forms Championships. Since 1983 he has brought up many outstanding students. His students have won more than one hundred gold and silver medals in Henan Province and China National Push Hands and Forms Competitions. His second son, Wang Zhanjun, stands undefeated in Push Hands Competitions since 1993.

In the interest of promoting Chen Style Taijiquan, Wang Xi'an has many times gone to Japan, France, Spain, Holland, Switzerland, and other countries to pass on his skill and knowledge. The brother of the Emperor of Japan once invited Wang Xi'an as an honored guest at the Imperial Palace. The Mayor of Osaka, Japan presented Wang Xi'an with a Gold Key to the City and made him an honorary citizen. He also was a guest of France's President Chirac. 
