Chinese Traditional Wushu Taiji Mantis Boxing Series No.3 - Ba Zhou - Sun De 2DVDs

Taiji Praying Mantis Boxing. Today this style is represented by two distinct lineages. The first one is that of Cui Shoushan and Wang Yushan and is based on Song Zide and Jiang Hualong's Plum Blossom teachings in Laiyang, Shandong Province. It is popular in Laiyang, Yantai, Qingdao, Dalian, North America, Russia, France and Spain. The second lineage can be traced to Sun Yuanchang's Plum Blossom, who was yet another disciple of Liang Xuexiang. Its best known progenitor is Zhao Zhu Xi, who is said to have taught (both directly and indirectly) thousands of students during his lifetime in Vietnam and Hong Kong, who have since spread to all corners of the globe. He was given the Cantonese nickname Chuk Kai, meaning "Bamboo Creek", for a famous battle he fought with bandits at that location. This style has since become prevalent in places such as Korea, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and North America.


“Dividing the Body into Eight elbows” in fact relates to eight short-ranged methods; rather than specifically using the elbow, it also includes using the wrists, shoulders, hips etc to strike. It is also one of the orginal mantis forms, along with Beng Bu and Luan Jie and further expounds the ideas contained in Luan Jie. It takes eight concepts, yin/yang, xu/shi, gang/rou, jin/tui (advance/retreat) which combined with the eight elbows gives 64 techniques, organised into four or five short forms. The movements are performed slowly with the body held in tension, with strong, heavy footsteps and occasional bursts of explosive power, to build a kind of hard energy called Zhuo Jin.


Lecturer: Sun De

Format: 2DVDs

Language Speaking: Chinese

Subtitle: Chinese
