Chen Style Tai Chi Quan Series - Taijiquan Taichi Single Sword by Chen Zhenglei DVD




Chen Zhenglei has a profound Taiji Kung-fu. With his accomplished theory study, he is hailed as Taiji giant and renowned at home and abroad. He has made an indelible contribution to promoting Chen-style Taijiquan. 

Chen-style Taiji single belongs to Taiji short weapons ,This swordplay ,consists of 49 movements, mainly including thrust, hack, uppercut, parry, point, slice ,block sweep ,intercept ,prick ,push ,deflect and neutralization .They are practically arranged and smoothly linked up ,Combined with Taiji Quan natural practically arranged and smoothly linked up ,Combined with Taiji Quan natural and poised body position and its flexible and steady footsteps ,Taiji single swordplay is full of changes ,It may be played with hardness one moment and softness the next ,Sometimes the sword is played so fast that it cannot be seen ,The player may stick to his opponent without being separate and then jump high and dodge away ,He seizes every opportunity ,by feints or ambushes ,to attack his opponent or tire him out , The swordplay can be characterized as continuous ,sticky and changeable .


Exercise Requirements "you should move smoothly like flying clouds and flowing water ,turn in circles and apply your force explosively like a lion shaking its .Be sure to keep your movements in constant change


Part I - Basic Requirements

Part II - Part and their Names of the Sword.

Part III - How to hold the Sword and How to Play

Part IV - Coaching the Routines in Section.

Part V - Demonstration of Chen Style Taiji Single Swordplay Routines.

Part VI - Demonstration of Chen Style Taiji Quan Old Frames Routines.


Lecturer: Cheng Zhenglei
Format: DVD
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese



This DVD features a comprehensive guide on the Chen Style Taijiquan Tai Chi Single Sword, taught by renowned martial art master Chen Zhenglei. The instructional video is suitable for practitioners of all levels and covers a wide range of techniques, including stances, footwork, and sword movements. Whether you are looking to improve your skills or simply enjoy the art of Tai Chi, this DVD is a must-have for any martial arts enthusiast.



Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei




Grandmaster Chen Zheng Lei (Zhenglei) was born in May 1949 at the birth place of Taiji - Chenjiagou Village, Wenxian County, Henan Province, China. He is the 19th generation inheritor of the Chen family and 11th generation direct-line successor of Chen Style Taijiquan. He has held the position of Head Instructor and Principal of Chen Village Taijiquan School, Head Instructor of Wen County Taijiquan Promotion and Development Centre and Vice Director of Henan Province Martial Arts Administration.

He has been officially recognized as one of the Top Ten Foremost Martial Artists by the Chinese State Government and has been awarded the honor of National Martial Arts Senior Instructor holding of 8th Duan Wei of Chinese Wushu (Martial Arts) Grading System. He is also a Committee Member of China Physical Culture & Science Institute.

He has recently established the Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Culture Co. Ltd. in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China to promote Chen Style Tai Chi and help the Tai Chi practitioner worldwide to access his unique training skills. Anyone taking part in his training courses will have the opportunity to learn directly from one of the most skillful Tai Chi Grandmasters in the world.

As part of his Tai Chi life Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei has been invited to visit and teach Tai Chi in nearly 30 countries and has published many books and a series of Videos, VCD and DVDs on Tai Chi by the Chinese State Sports and Education Publishing House. It includes Tai Chi Qigong, Silk Reeling Energy, Warm up Exercises, Forms, Weapons, Push Hands and Applications. Many of those publications have also been translated into other languages such as English, French, Japanese, Korean, Spanish.

Grandmaster Chen has been studying Chen Style Tai Chi Old Frame since he was eight years old with his older uncle, Grandmaster Chen Zhaopi, until 1972 when Grandmaster Chen Zhaopi passed away. Grandmaster Chen Zhaopi was a Martial Arts Professor in Nanjing Martial Arts Academy until he retired in 1957. Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei then has carried on to study Chen Style Tai Chi New Frame with his young uncle, Grandmaster Chen Zhaokui, who was the son of Grandmaster Chen Fake. He was so dedicated to work on the goal of achieving the highest level of Tai Chi that he studied extremely hard and put a lot of effort into his training.

He started to take part in competitions from 1974 and by the end of 1987 he had won over ten gold medals in Henan Province and China National Martial Arts Competitions.

Because of his great success and excellent skill, he has held the position of Senior Instructor at the Henan Provincial Martial Arts Academy since 1983. Under his successful unique training method his students have taken part in the China National Martial Arts Competitions and won 15 gold medals and 12 silver medals over two years in 1988 and 1989, which is a really good outcome. Not only that, he himself has taught thousands of students worldwide to let more and more people enjoy the authentic Chen Style Tai Chi exercises.

Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei has accepted the Honorary Presidency of the Chen Style Tai Chi Centre UK in 2003 and currently teaches in China
