Risk Racing 
Mountain bike / Quad
Fusion grips
Colour: Orange

If you ride a bike then you know what it is like to have a grip that slips. 
Despite all your best efforts to properly glue and safety wire the grip securely in place, 
it inevitably slips creating an annoyance and a safety hazard. 
The act of gluing and wiring grips with specialty tools can be a hassle as well. 
The wire often breaks leaving a sharp point and wreaks havoc on both your hands and the grip.
The gluing process is a mess and difficult to get consistent coverage between your grip and the bar 
due to the fact that the grip just pushes all the glue to one end or the other.

Risk Racing has a simple and effective solution. 
We are introducing the patent pending Fusion Grip Tech Bonding Strips and Fusion Spray Catalyst. 
Simply peel and stick the bonding strips to your bars. 
Then spray the bonding strips with the supplied Fusion Catalyst and easily slip your grip into place. 
At first the catalyst acts as a lubricant for easy grip installation, but after it dries it creates a lasting bond.
The entire process is clean and simple.