Aegina Turtle Silver Pendant inspired by Chelone the Ancient Greek Coin - Tortoise

The coins of Aegina – known as turtles- were one of the most important coins in the ancient world. The city-state of Aegina was, alongside Athens and Corinth, one of the city-states that issued the first silver Greek coins in the 7th BC century and spread the use of money in the then known world. More specifically, it was Aegina that first issued staters just before the mid 6th century BC. On the obverse of the first coins, there was a sea turtle depicted and on the reverse an incuse square divided in irregular shapes. Turtles circulated in most areas of Greece, in Persia, Egypt and South Italy and they were considered as an international coin. Aegina, an island 17 miles south of Athens was an important sea power and trade center. About 456 B.C., after a long period of rivalry, Athens conquered Aegina. As a consequence, Aegina was forced to use the Athenian Owl coins. It was only after Athenians were defeated that Aegina mint began to strike turtles again. However the new turtles depicted not the sea turtle, tribute to the maritime standing of Aegina but the land turtle, showing problably the decline of Aegina's supremacy at sea.

The tortoise was sacred to the Greek god named Hermes. He was the messenger god. Hermes was also important as a promoter of peace. It was told that Hermes produced lyre and made it from a tortoise shell. The tortoise being connected to the lyre made it the answer to the ancient riddle; “While alive I was silent; dead I sing sweetly.”. Tortoise charms could be worn to promote peace between enemies. With all the fighting going around today, maybe more such give the tortoise charm a chance. Wearing a tortoise charm as a symbol of promoting peace between enemies cannot hurt.

In another story from Greek mythology a woman named Chelone refused attend the wedding of Zeus and Hera. Hermes was furious. He threw her house into the river and transformed Chelone into a tortoise. Chelone means tortoise in Greek. Yet another myth tells that Zeus invited all the animals to his party. All the animals came except the tortoise. Zeus went to see the tortoise and demanded to know why she did not show up at this major feast. It is to be noted the tortoise did not at the time carry a shell. The tortoise simple answered “There is no place like home”.Zeus was not at all happy. In a rage he ordered that the tortoise forever more was to carry her home on her back.

The Tortoise and the Hare Aesop (620–564 BCE) was an Ancient Greek story teller. The stories he told remain popular worldwide and are known as Aesop’s Fables. We are all familiar with the Fable of the tortoise and the hare who race. The hare takes a nap believing he has plenty of time to win the race.The tortoise keeps walking. Although he is slow, he is very persistent. Naturally the tortoise crosses the finish line first and wins the race. “Slow and steady wins the race” is a popular saying. The tortoise became a symbol of persistence. The pendant is handcrafted with extra care in 925 Sterling Silver. It 's Handmade in Greece, its diameter size is 1.5 cm and weighs approximately 3.5 g. This pendant is without the chain(58)


Condition: New, Made in Greece

Material: Sterling Silver

Diameter: 1.5 cm

Weight: 3.5g

This pendant is without the chain