HEMOREX is a natural product, made on the basis of high-quality vegetable oils, plant extracts and auxiliary substances.

The selected active ingredients in a balanced ratio have a multiple effect on inflamed hemorrhoids: they prevent itching, reduce the feeling of discomfort and calm the inflammatory process, regenerate damaged tissue and prevent the recurrence of symptoms of inflammation.

The preparation is recommended for the treatment of hemorrhoids or piles; anal sores and small cracks in the anal area; anal eczema and anal itching.


Peruvian balsam (Balsamum Peruvianum) has antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It acts as a distinct keratoplasty and epithelization agent. It promotes the healing process of wounds and damage to the mucous membrane.

Yarrow extract (Achillea Millefolium) slows down the development of pathogenic germs and prevents wound infection. It relieves the feeling of painful contractions and strongly encourages the healing process of the skin and mucous membranes.

Horse chestnut extract (Aesculus Hippocasatanum) - due to its high content of escin, saponin and other substances, it has a beneficial effect on the integrity of blood vessels. It improves microcirculation and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Oak bark extract (Quercus Cortex) - has distinct astringent and antiseptic properties. Superficially tightens the tissue at the site of action, accelerates the coagulation process and stops bleeding.

Witch hazel extract (Hamamelis Virginiana) - has an antibacterial and highly anti-inflammatory effect. It tightens the skin at the site of action, reduces itching, calms inflammation and accelerates the healing process of the skin and mucous membranes.

Chamomile extract (Matricaria Camomilla) is one of the best agents for soothing skin and mucous membrane inflammation due to its high azulene content.

Oil extract of calendula (Callendula Officinalis) has distinct anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Stimulates the wound healing process and accelerates epithelization of damaged tissue. Calms and softens damaged skin.

Oil extract of St. John's wort (Hypericum Perforatum) is known for its antibacterial and antiviral effects. It contributes to the calming of inflammatory processes on the skin. It accelerates the healing process of superficial wounds.

Tea tree essential oil (Melaleuca Alternifolia) has strong antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Due to the high content of turpentine, it prevents the growth of numerous pathogenic fungi and bacteria on the skin. It is widely used in various skin infections and inflammations.

Peppermint essential oil (Mentha Piperita) has a cooling effect and has a soothing effect on damaged skin and mucous membranes. It soothes painful sensations and acts as a natural analgesic anesthetic.

Vitamin E (Tocopherol) is a strong antioxidant.

Hemorex contains preservatives that are certified for use in the production of natural cosmetics.


For external use only.

Apply the preparation on clean skin or mucous membrane, with clean hands, in a thin layer and gently rub.

Apply 2-3 times a day to the affected area.

For long-term control of symptoms, an appropriate hygienic-dietary regime is recommended.

The preparation should not be used by people who are hypersensitive to any of the ingredients. In case of symptoms of hypersensitivity, stop using.

Restrictions for use in pregnancy are not known.

Contraindications are not known.


HEMOREKS je prirodni proizvod, izrađen na bazi visokokvalitetnih biljnih ulja, biljnih ekstrakata i pomoćnih supstanci. 
Izabrani aktivni sastojci u uravnoteženom odnosu ostvaruju višestruko dejstvo na upaljene hemoroide: sprečavaju svrab, smanjuju osećaj nelagodnosti i smiruju upalni proces, regenerišu oštećeno tkivo i sprečavaju ponovnu pojavu simptoma upale.
Preparat se preporučuje za tretman hemoroida ili šuljeva; analnih ranica i sitnih pukotina u analnom predelu; analnog ekcema i analnog svraba.
Peruanski balzam (Balsamum Peruvianum)-ima antibakterijska, antiseptična i protiv upalna svojstva. Deluje kao izraziti keratoplastik i sredstvo za epitelizaciju. Podstiče proces zarastanja rana i oštećenja sluzokože.
Ekstrakt hajdučke trave (Achillea Millefolium)-usporava razvoj patogenih klica i sprečava infekciju rana. Ublažava osećaj bolnih stezanja i snažno podstiče proces zaceljenja kože i sluzokože.
Ekstrakt divljeg kestena (Aesculus Hippocasatanum)-zbog visokog sadržaja escina, saponina i drugih supstanci deluje povoljno na integritet krvnih sudova. Poboljšava mikrocirkulaciju i deluje protivupalno.
Ekstrakt kore hrasta(Quercus Cortex)- ima izrazita adstigentna i antiseptična svojstva. Površinski zateže tkivo na mestu delovanja, ubrzava proces koagulacije i zaustavlja krvarenje.
Ekstrakt hamamelisa (Hamamelis Virginiana)- deluje antibakterijski i izrazito protivupalno. Zateže kožu na mestu delovanja, smanjuje svrab, smiruje upalu i ubrzava proces zaceljenja kože i sluzokože.
Ekstrakt kamilice (Matricaria Camomilla)-je zbog visokog sadržaja azulena jedno od najboljih sredstava za smirivanje zapaljenja kože i sluzokože.
Uljani ekstrakt nevena (Callendula Officinalis)-ima izrazita protivupalna i zaceljujuća svojstva. Podstiče proces zarastanja rana i ubrzava epitelizaciju oštećenog tkiva.Smiruje i omekšava oštećenu kožu.
Uljani ekstrakt kantariona (Hipericum Perforatum)-je poznat po antibakterijskom i antivirusnom dejstvu.Doprinosi smirivanju upalnih procesa na koži. Ubrzava proces zaceljenja površinskih rana.
Etarsko ulje čajevca (Melaleuca Alternifolia)-ima snažna antivirusna, antibakterijska i antogljivična svojstva. Zbog visokog sadržaja terpentina sprečava rast brojnih pategenih gljivica i bakterija na koži. Ima široku primenu kod različitih kožnih infekcija i upala.
Etarsko ulje mente (Mentha Piperita)-ostvaruje efekat hlađenja i ima umirujuće dejstvo naoštećenu kožu i sluzokožu. Smiruje bolne senzacije i deluje kao prirodni analgetiki anestetik.
Vitamin E( Tocopherol)- je izrazit antioksidans.

Hemoreks sadrži konzervanse koji su sertifikovani za upotrebu u proizvodnji prirodne kozmetike.

Samo za spoljnu upotrebu.
Preparat naneti na čistu kožu ili sluzokožu, čistim rukama , u tankom sloju i blago utrljati.
Naneti 2 – 3 puta dnevno na obolelo mesto.
Za dugoročnu kontrolu simptoma preporučuje se odgovarajući higijensko-dijetetski režim.

Preparat ne bi trebalo da koriste osobe preosetljive na neki od sastojaka. U slučaju pojave simptoma preosetljivosti, prestati sa korišćenjem .
Ograničenja za primenu u trudnoći nisu poznate.
Kontraindikacije nisu poznate.


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