Possibly the UK's biggest killer dinosaur. It once roamed the areas of Southern England around 120 million years ago, preying on the herds of Iguanodon and also, I would imagine, the numerous long necked sauropods that were around at this time. It is related to the T-Rex busting Carcharodontosaurus.




 Dunkleosteus lived during the late Devonain Period around 360 - 380 millions years ago. They were the super predator of the seas at this time - The largest species, D. terrelli, gained  up to 10 m (33 ft) in length and weighing upto 3.6 tonnes.   


This model measures 17 cm long and standing aprox. 4 cm high. It sits upon a small stand that measures another 3.5 cm high.  It is made of durable PVC and hand finished. It is part of the new Prehistoric Life series by Favorite.


Dunkleosteus  sp.  The name Dunkleosteus comes from the Greek 'osteus' (οστεος), meaning "bone", and Dunkle, in honor of David Dunkle of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.  They are the argest arthrodire placoderms that ever to have lived. They had a primitive, yet robust jaw structure. Due to its heavily armoured head section, Dunkleosteus was probably a fairly slow yet powerful swimmer living in near shore environments. Fossilization tends to have preserved only the armoured frontal boney sections, so it is uncertain what exactly the hind sections of this ancient fish were like. This group of fish died out during the transition between the Devonian and Carboniferous periods - although the sharks survived.