25 x 18mm Pendant
Double Sided
Translation Below.

There is indeed no medal that possesses such wonderful power and none so 
highly esteemed by the Holy Church as the Medal of St. Benedict. 
It is said whosoever wears this medal with devotion, 
trusting to the life-giving power of the Holy Cross and the merits of the holy Father 
St. Benedict, may expect the powerful protection of this great patriarch in his spiritual and temporal needs. 
The medal is one of the oldest and most honored medals used by Catholics.
However the Medal Pendant hold many over its stunning portrait and wearers feel blessed to be chosen to wear it.

On the front of the medal is saint benedict holding a cross in his right hand, the object of his devotion,
And in the left his rule for monasteries. 

In the back is a poisoned cup, in reference to the legend of benedict, 
Which explains that hostile monks attempted to poison him: 
The cup containing poisoned wine shattered when the saint made the sign of the cross over it 
(and a raven carried away a poisoned loaf of bread). 

Above the cup are the words crux sancti patris benedicti ("The cross of [our] holy father benedict"). 
Surrounding the figure of saint benedict are the words eius in obitu nostro praesentia muniamur! 
("May we be strengthened by his presence in the hour of our death"), 
Since he was always regarded by the benedictines as the patron of a happy death.

On the back is a cross, containing the letters c s s m l - n d s m d,
Initials of the words crux sacra sit mihi lux! Non [nunquam?] 
Draco sit mihi dux! ("May the holy cross be my light! May the dragon never be my overlord!").
The large c s p b stand for crux sancti patris benedicti ("The cross of [our] holy father benedict"). 
Surrounding the back of the medal are the letters 
V r s n s m v - s m q l I v b, 
In reference to vade retro satana: vade retro satana! Nunquam suade mihi vana! Sunt mala quae libas.
 Ipse venena bibas! ("Begone satan! Never tempt me with your vanities! What you offer me is evil. Drink the poison yourself!") 
And finally, located at the top is the word pax which means "Peace".

ade retro satana (“Step back, Satan”) formula, 


Saint Benedict, also known as Benedict of Nursia, is often regarded as the patron saint of a variety of subjects. Some of the areas for which he is considered a patron saint include:

1. **Europe:** Saint Benedict is recognized as one of the patron saints of Europe due to his significant influence on Western monasticism and the spread of Christianity in Europe.

2. **Monks and Nuns:** As the founder of the Benedictine Order, Saint Benedict is a patron saint of monks and nuns. The Benedictine Order, established by him, played a crucial role in shaping Christian monastic life.

3. **Farmers:** Saint Benedict is also considered a patron saint of farmers, likely due to his emphasis on the value of manual labor and the cultivation of the land in the Benedictine monastic tradition.

4. **Schools and Students:** He is recognized as a patron saint of students and educational institutions, reflecting the importance he placed on learning and education in the monastic life.

5. **Against Poison:** According to tradition, Saint Benedict is invoked for protection against poison. This belief is often associated with a story in which he miraculously survived an attempt to poison him.

6. **Against Evil Spirits and Temptations:** Due to his emphasis on spiritual discipline and the monastic rule he established, Saint Benedict is invoked for protection against evil spirits and temptations.

7. **Civil Engineers:** This association may stem from his role as a builder of monastic communities and his influence on the development of Christian architecture.

It's important to note that the designation of patronage for saints can vary, and individuals may invoke Saint Benedict for a wide range of intentions and needs. The patronages mentioned above are some of the commonly recognized associations with Saint Benedict.

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