Falls Risk Alert Medical ID Bracelet

At Mediband, we work hard to help you stay safe and feel protected at all times. If you suffer from falls risk factors, we have you covered. Our medical bands make it easy to alert others of your risks.

Understanding Falls Risk Factors

Falls risk factors can be split up in to two categories, intrinsic (personal) factors and extrinsic (environmental) factors. Our Falls Risk Alert Medical ID Wristbands are used to alert surrounding parties, paramedics and attending physicians to your intrinsic factors, that can be caused by age, reduced muscle strength, impaired balance, impaired vision, impaired walking patterns, current use of specific medications, and limited mobility.

In the case of an emergency, that may not have any relation to your falls risk factors, wearing a Falls Risk Alert Medical ID Wristband alerts paramedics and attending physician to your specific vulnerability to some medications or treatments due to your intrinsic falls risk factors. This allows them to assess your situation and provide you with a treatment course that would not further jeopardize your heatlh, or further exacerbate your intrinsic falls risk factors.

In the case that you've had a bad fall, our Falls Risk Alert Medical ID Wristband alerts them to your health condition, and thus allows them to quickly assess and determine the cause of your fall, and help to treat your physical injury, and provide you with a treatment to lessen your falls risk factor. Just wearing one on a regular basis allows you to notify surrounding parties to your falls risk factor, and thus they'll be able to keep an eye out for you, and ensure that you're safe at all times. Stay safe with Mediband! Get your Falls Risk Alert Medical ID Wristbands today!

Retail Customers: Why Choose Mediband?

  • Comfortable and Easy to Wear.

Medical wristbands come in a variety of sizes. They won’t irritate or chafe your skin. Therefore, you can feel free to wear them at all times. In fact, you may not even notice you’re wearing it.

  • Strong and Durable Silicone Material.

Next, each medical band is made from medical grade silicone. This material is built to last. And that means you won’t have to worry about breaking it, losing it, and other problems.

  • Clear and Easy to Read Text.

Our bracelets clearly display “Falls Risk” in clear text. Medical staff will have no problem reading this text. And that will ensure you’ll get the proper care in any emergency situation.

  • Low Prices with Quick Delivery.

Mediband wants everyone to have the medical wristbands they need for their safety. This is why we work hard to keep our prices low.

We also provide volume discounts for bulk orders. This makes them great for doctor’s offices, pharmacies, oncology departments, and more. Furthermore, our shipping options can get your wristbands to your door the next day.

  • Simple and Safe.

Mediband wristbands give you a simple and easy way to improve your safety. Just one wristband provides helpful warnings when you can’t speak because of an emergency. It’s the perfect way to protect yourself no matter what happens.

Medical Organisations: Improve Patient Care with Mediband.

Mediband Falls Risk and medical ID bracelets are a great item to stock in an office or a doctor's surgery. Doctors can help their patients to feel a little safer with these wristbands.

Mediband offers products for all sorts of conditions. Also, it’s an easy way for care givers to improve their patient care.

These wristbands are great for all of these places:

  • Pharmacies.

  • Hospitals.

  • Oncology Departments.

  • Doctor’s Offices.

Mediband: Making Safety Easy for You.

A Mediband medical ID bracelet ensures you’ll always get the right care when you need it.

Whether you're a patient or a medical facility, order your falls risk bracelets today. You’ll love how easy it is to stay protected no matter what happens.


Phrase 1: Falls Risk

Phrase 2: Falls Risk

Colour: Orange

Colour Infill: White & Silver



Volume Discounts

Want to purchase quantities over 25?  Contact Mediband today for volume discounts.



Mediband® Wristbands are available in up to five sizes: Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small and Child X Small.

What to order:

Adults and teenagers - Large is our most popular size and is ideal for most adults and teenagers. (Check size bars in Sizing Chart.)

Children 5 to 12 - Most children this age fit Medium. (Check size bars in Sizing Chart.)

Children 5 & under - Use Small or Child X Small. (Check size bars in Sizing Chart.)

The above are recommendations only. Please measure the wrist to confirm!!! 

Mediband Sizing Chart

Don't lose your mediband!

Make sure you have a spare mediband just in case you lose one.  Store a spare mediband at work, at school, at home, anywhere you might need one.


Make sure you're covered in an emergency.  Wear a mediband!