25 Delphinium Red King Seeds - Spring & Autumn Sow
*All seeds 100% Guaranteed

The  Red King Delphinium is a real stand out in any garden with the tall spikes of semi-double
bright red flowers with red centres. 

This perennial is short lived with blooms opening in June & July and ending towards the beginning 
of August. 

Make this stunning plant a part of your cottage garden planted towards the back of a well drained, 
sunny border or against a fence or wall.

These make excellent cut flowers.

Height of 4 to 6 feet tall, 1 to 2 feet wide.

Delphinium seeds benefits from pre-soaking overnight in cool water. 

Scatter the tiny seeds on flats filled with moist compost & cover lightly. 

Cover with clear plastic and place in a bright, warm location. 

Germination in 7 to 14 days.

Keep soil moist but not soggy.

When at least 2 sets of true leaves are on seedlings, transplant to small pots.

When all risk of frost has passed, harden off before transplanting to final place.

Seeds started indoors in late Winter will flower by late Summer or Autumn 1st year. 

Maturity 130 days

Requires support with stakes or against a trellis, fence or wall.

**All parts of the plant and seeds are poisonous

We ship to the UK & Northern Ireland
Honeyvale Farm